非OMF管理 自動新增資料檔案add_datafiles.sh
#!/bin/bash #by raysuen #v01 #load profile for env [ -f ~/.profile ]&& source ~/.profile [ -f ~/.bash_profile ]&& source ~/.bash_profile #function for add datafile AddDataFile(){ sqlplus -s /nolog<<-RAY conn / as sysdba $1 RAY } #specify check script ora_script=/home/oracle/script/ray/oracle_ray.sh while true do #obtain tablespace name which is over threshold value tablespace_name=`${ora_script} type=tablespace | egrep -v "TABLESPACE_NAME|selected|new mail|TEMP" |tr "%" " " | awk '{if($NF>85) print $1}'` if [ "${tablespace_name:-None}" == "None" ];then break else #loop tablespace name if tablespace is more then 2 for i in ${tablespace_name} do #obtain max datafile name max_datafile=`${ora_script} type=tsdf| grep "${i}" | sort -k 2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}'` #obtain max datafile number from max datafile max_num=`echo ${max_datafile} | awk -F\/ '{print $NF}' | sed -e "s/${i}//g" | sed -e "s/$(echo ${i} | tr [A-Z] [a-z])//g" | sed -e "s/[^0-9]//g"` #plus 1 on max_num replace_num=$[$max_num+1] #judge replace_num whether is less then 10,if it is true ,then before the replace_num join 0 if [ ${replace_num} -lt 10 ];then replace_num=`echo 0"${replace_num}"` fi #join the executable sql to add datafile sqltring=`echo "alter tablespace ${i} add datafile '"$(echo ${max_datafile} | sed "s/${max_num}\./${replace_num}\./g")"' size 128M autoextend on next 128M maxsize unlimited;"` #echo $sqltring AddDataFile "${sqltring}" done fi done
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