19c rac資料庫如何新增mgmt
19c rac資料庫安裝時候不再強制安裝mgmt,ps:在rac安裝介面元件叫做gimr,勾選了以後自動安裝mgmt,那麼如何快速新增mgmt呢?
官方給出了簡便的方法,利用 mdbutil.pl指令碼快速新增mgmt,參見文件 Note: 2065175.1
[grid@rac1 soft]$ ./mdbutil.pl --addmdb --target=+MGMT
mdbutil.pl version : 1.99
2020-07-08 09:54:32: I Starting To Configure MGMTDB at +MGMT...
2020-07-08 09:54:39: I Container database creation in progress... for GI
2020-07-08 10:07:34: I Plugable database creation in progress...
2020-07-08 10:10:53: I Executing "/tmp/mdbutil.pl --addchm" on rac1 as root to configure CHM.
root@rac1's password:
root@rac1's password:
2020-07-08 10:11:41: I Executing "/tmp/mdbutil.pl --addchm" on rac2 as root to configure CHM.
root@rac2's password:
root@rac2's password:
2020-07-08 10:11:56: W Not able to execute "/tmp/mdbutil.pl --addchm" on rac2 as root to configure CHM.
2020-07-08 10:11:56: I MGMTDB & CHM configuration done!
2020-07-08 09:54:39: I Container database creation in progress... for GI
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