瞭解如何在Docker容器中設定Node JS:
- 有一個可執行工作的NodeJS應用程式
- 透過確保程式在出錯時不退出,使節點應用程式具有彈性
- 透過在程式碼更改時自動重新啟動伺服器,使Node應用程式易於使用
- 利用Docker:
- 快速設定與生產相同的開發環境。
- 輕鬆地能夠在本地和伺服器上切換節點版本
- Docker的所有其他好處
- Docker已經安裝好了
- 至少入門級節點知識和NPM
npm init
npm install --save-prod express
const express = require('express') const app = express() const port = 3000 app.get('/', (req, res) => res.send('Hello World!')) app.listen(port, () => {console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}!`)) |
啟動一個偵聽埠3000並使用Hello World響應的"/"這個URL路由。
version: "3" services: app: container_name: app # How the container will appear when listing containers from the CLI image: node:10 # The <container-name>:<tag-version> of the container, in this case the tag version aligns with the version of node user: node # The user to run as in the container working_dir: "/app" # Where to container will assume it should run commands and where you will start out if you go inside the container networks: - app # Networking can get complex, but for all intents and purposes just know that containers on the same network can speak to each other ports: - "3000:3000" # <host-port>:<container-port> to listen to, so anything running on port 3000 of the container will map to port 3000 on our localhost volumes: - ./:/app # <host-directory>:<container-directory> this says map the current directory from your system to the /app directory in the docker container command: "node src/index.js" # The command docker will execute when starting the container, this command is not allowed to exit, if it does your container will stop networks: app: |
docker-compose up -d
在瀏覽器中訪問http://localhost:3000並看到 Hello World!
3. 使得應用變得彈性
npm install --save-prod pm2
const path = require('path') module.exports = { apps: [{ name: 'app', script: 'src/index.js', // Your entry point instances: 1, autorestart: true, // THIS is the important part, this will tell PM2 to restart your app if it falls over max_memory_restart: '1G' }] } |
version: "3" services: app: container_name: app # How the container will appear when listing containers from the CLI image: node:10 # The <container-name>:<tag-version> of the container, in this case the tag version aligns with the version of node user: node # The user to run as in the container working_dir: "/app" # Where to container will assume it should run commands and where you will start out if you go inside the container networks: - app # Networking can get complex, but for all intents and purposes just know that containers on the same network can speak to each other ports: - "3000:3000" # <host-port>:<container-port> to listen to, so anything running on port 3000 of the container will map to port 3000 on our localhost volumes: - ./:/app # <host-directory>:<container-directory> this says map the current directory from your system to the /app directory in the docker container command: "npx pm2 start ecosystem.config.js --no-daemon" # The command docker will execute when starting the container, this command is not allowed to exit, if it does your container will stop networks: app: |
docker-compose restart
const path = require('path')
module.exports = { apps: [{ name: 'app', script: 'src/index.js', instances: 1, autorestart: true, watch: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? path.resolve(__dirname, 'src') : false, max_memory_restart: '1G' }] } |
如果我們沒有將NODE_ENV環境變數設定為production,則上面的配置檔案現在將監視src目錄。您可以透過更改index.js檔案來測試它,除了Hello World之外還可以將其他內容列印到瀏覽器中!。在此之前,您需要重新啟動Docker容器,因為您更改了PM2執行容器的方式:
docker-compose restart
重新啟動Node程式可能需要一秒鐘才能完成,如果你想觀察它何時完成,你可以看到你的Docker日誌告訴PM2何時完成重啟你的Node Process:
docker-compose logs -f
- 我們的目標之一是能夠輕鬆更改Node版本,您可以透過更改docker-compose.yml檔案中的image選項來完成此操作。
- 本地安裝依賴項是使用本地NPM和Node版本完成的,如果您的本地版本與Dockers不同,有時可能會導致衝突。使用相同的Docker容器來安裝依賴項更安全。您可以使用此命令來使用該容器來安裝依賴項,然後將其刪除
docker run --rm -i -v <absolute-path-to-your-project-locally>:/app -w /app node:10 npm install
- 如上所述,具有與Docker執行的Node不同的本地版本可能是有問題的。最好在容器內部執行命令以保持一致性。你可以進入一個容器
docker exec -it app bash
上面的命令將把你放到容器中,這樣你就可以繼續從裡面執行命令,即npm run start或npm run test
docker exec -t app bash -c "npm run start"
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