在Spring Boot應用程式中使用Kubernetes ConfigMap
讓我們以前的Spring Boot Kubernetes示例Spring Boot Kubernetes Deploy 作為入門者並將Kubernetes Config Map新增到遊戲中。
Spring Boot應用程式屬性
@RestController public class ControllerMVC { @Value("${my.system.property:defaultValue}") protected String fromSystem; @RequestMapping("/sayhello") public String mvcTest() { return "I'm saying hello to Kubernetes with system property "+fromSystem+" !"; } } |
server.port=8081 my.system.property=fromFile |
- mvn clean install
- $ java -jar target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
- $ curl http://localhost:8081/sayhello
I'm saying hello to Kubernetes with system property fromFile |
在Spring Boot中使用Kubernetes ConfigMap
在Spring Boot中使用Kubernetes配置對映的好方法是透過環境變數。因此,讓我們使用configmap app-config 中的值定義環境變數my.system.property,以覆蓋application.properties中的值:
首先讓我們在configmap app-config使用鍵“my.system.property”和值“fromAnsible”定義:
kubectl create configmap app-config --from-literal=my.system.property=updatedFromAnsible |
kubectl describe configmap app-config |
Name: app-config Namespace: default Labels: none Annotations: none Data ==== my.system.property: ---- updatedFromAnsible Events: none |
好的,configmap已準備就緒,讓kubernetes知道它並定義環境變數my.system.property,它從configmap app-config讀取同名的金鑰。
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: test-app spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: test-app spec: containers: - name: test-app image: test-controller:1.0-SNAPSHOT env: # Define the environment variable - name: my.system.property valueFrom: configMapKeyRef: # The ConfigMap containing the value you want to assign to my.system.property name: app-config # Specify the key associated with the value key: my.system.property ports: - containerPort: 8081 |
$ kubectl get deployments NAME DESIRED CURRENT UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE hello-minikube 1 1 1 1 26d test-app 1 1 1 1 2h tomask79:kubernetes-configmap tomask79$ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE hello-minikube-6c47c66d8-gzvgc 1/1 Running 5 26d test-app-745ff9546c-hrswc 1/1 Running 0 1h tomask79:kubernetes-configmap tomask79$ kubectl get services NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 26d test-app NodePort <none> 8081:30615/TCP 2h |
$ minikube service test-app --url |
$ curl I'm saying hello to Kubernetes with system property updatedFromAnsible ! |
是的,我們透過將屬性作為環境變數注入,透過Kubernetes configmap覆蓋了spring屬性my.system.property ,因為env.variables 在Spring Boot中具有更高的優先順序 ,然後才會啟用application.property檔案的內容。
讓我們稍微玩一下configmap吧。如果我們想要更改Map值,該怎麼辦? 最簡單的方法是刪除map並建立一個新map。
$ kubectl delete configmap app-config configmap "app-config" deleted $ kubectl create configmap app-config --from-literal=my.system.property=changedValue configmap "app-config" created $ tomask79:kubernetes-configmap tomask79$ kubectl delete configmap app-config |
現在再次curl 這個服務:
$ curl I'm saying hello to Kubernetes with system property updatedFromAnsible ! |
要檢視configmap的實際值,我們需要重新啟動POD。由於我們使用部署,其中要求kubernetes始終執行一個副本,我們只需要刪除POD。新例項 最終會執行。
$ kubectl delete pod test-app-745ff9546c-hrswc pod "test-app-745ff9546c-hrswc" deleted tomask79:kubernetes-configmap tomask79$ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE hello-minikube-6c47c66d8-gzvgc 1/1 Running 5 27d test-app-745ff9546c-t92hb 1/1 Running 0 31s tomask79:kubernetes-configmap tomask79$ curl I'm saying hello to Kubernetes with system property changedValue ! |
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