Project Notes
Project: ESite for EJB 2.0 Weblogic
Author: JBuilder Group
Company: Borland.com
Description: A simple shopping cart example using 2.0 EJB's, JSP's, servlets, and DataExpress
To run
Weblogic 6.x must be installed and setup for JBuilder in order to build this sample. If you have not done so, install Weblogic (recommended Weblogic 7). Then in JBuilder, select Tools | Configure Servers..., select Weblogic 6.x. Set the values of the Home directory on the General tab and BEA Home directory and the administrative password on the Custom tab.
If you configured Weblogic 6.x prior to opening the sample project, refresh project properties from your server configuration.
Click on Project | Project Properties.
Click on the Servers tab.
Click on the ellipsis (...) button next to the server select in the Single server... drop down list
Click <OK> on the Configure Servers dialog
Click <OK> on the Project Properties dialog
Create a WebLogic transactional data source named ESiteSource. You will need to check your WebLogic documentation on how to create a data source. You will need the following settings
The database URL should be of the following format: jdbc:borland:dslocal:/jbuilder7/samples/Ejb/db/esite.jds, ensuring that you have the correct path to esite.jds.
The driver will be com.borland.datastore.jdbc.DataStoreDriver.
This JDataStore is not password protected, but you must still specify a user; any user will do, e.g., user=Frank;password=
Launch the application server by clicking on the little down-arrow on the toolbar next to the green arrow. In the drop down select Server. The server should start successfully.
Deploy the EJB module. Right click on the EJB module esite in the project view and select the context menu option Deploy Options | Deploy
After the archive has been loaded successfully, click on the link below to launch the web application :
Note : If the server name or port number that you use are different, please modify the URL to launch the web application.
If you wish, you can also run the Java Client. Repeat the same process as above, except select Java Client
Using a QueryProvider
By default, this program uses an EntityBeanProvider for all DataSets. If you wish, you can instead use a QueryProvider for the Inventory DataSet. A QueryProvider can be useful for retrieving large amounts of data from a database without having to create an entity bean for every row of data. The Inventory DataSet will still use an EntityBeanResolver, so that updates are still done using the security, transaction, etc. features of EJB.
To use a QueryProvider
Modify ServerDataModuleBean.java, changing the line
private boolean useInventoryQueryProvider = false; to
private boolean useInventoryQueryProvider = true;
Project Notes
Project: ESite for EJB 2.0 Weblogic
Author: JBuilder Group
Company: Borland.com
Description: A simple shopping cart example using 2.0 EJB's, JSP's, servlets, and DataExpress
To run
Weblogic 6.x must be installed and setup for JBuilder in order to build this sample. If you have not done so, install Weblogic (recommended Weblogic 7). Then in JBuilder, select Tools | Configure Servers..., select Weblogic 6.x. Set the values of the Home directory on the General tab and BEA Home directory and the administrative password on the Custom tab.
If you configured Weblogic 6.x prior to opening the sample project, refresh project properties from your server configuration.
Click on Project | Project Properties.
Click on the Servers tab.
Click on the ellipsis (...) button next to the server select in the Single server... drop down list
Click <OK> on the Configure Servers dialog
Click <OK> on the Project Properties dialog
Create a WebLogic transactional data source named ESiteSource. You will need to check your WebLogic documentation on how to create a data source. You will need the following settings
The database URL should be of the following format: jdbc:borland:dslocal:/jbuilder7/samples/Ejb/db/esite.jds, ensuring that you have the correct path to esite.jds.
The driver will be com.borland.datastore.jdbc.DataStoreDriver.
This JDataStore is not password protected, but you must still specify a user; any user will do, e.g., user=Frank;password=
Launch the application server by clicking on the little down-arrow on the toolbar next to the green arrow. In the drop down select Server. The server should start successfully.
Deploy the EJB module. Right click on the EJB module esite in the project view and select the context menu option Deploy Options | Deploy
After the archive has been loaded successfully, click on the link below to launch the web application :
Note : If the server name or port number that you use are different, please modify the URL to launch the web application.
If you wish, you can also run the Java Client. Repeat the same process as above, except select Java Client
Using a QueryProvider
By default, this program uses an EntityBeanProvider for all DataSets. If you wish, you can instead use a QueryProvider for the Inventory DataSet. A QueryProvider can be useful for retrieving large amounts of data from a database without having to create an entity bean for every row of data. The Inventory DataSet will still use an EntityBeanResolver, so that updates are still done using the security, transaction, etc. features of EJB.
To use a QueryProvider
Modify ServerDataModuleBean.java, changing the line
private boolean useInventoryQueryProvider = false; to
private boolean useInventoryQueryProvider = true;
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