有沒有大佬用過高通的 QMVS 測試過 DDR,求指導



// test group #3
"name": "clk-switch, qmesa, and video-playback",
"time": 43200, // 12 hours
"test_units": {
// random clock switching across frequencies at 3 second intervals
// this test will run in the background of the device
"swsys-clk-switch": {
"args": {
"frequencies": [1804800, 1555200, 1296000, 1017600, 768000, 681600, 547200, 412800, 300000],
"background": true
// qmesa with defualt setttings to stress the ddr
// this test will run in the background of the device. it will check
// for failures and rerun the test if necessary
"swsys-qmesa": {
"args": {
"kill_first": true,
"verify": true,
"rerun": true,
"output": "C:\\Temp"
// // video playback with defualt settings
// // to view defaults, run: video -h
"swsys-video": {
"args": {
// "video": "\\\\snowcone\\toolbuilds001\\swsys\\open-lab\\video_files\\wonderland_480p_muted.mp4"
"video": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\testvideo.mp4"

我現在糾結 swsys-video 這一項要不要測,高通預設是註釋掉了的,但是如果啟用測試的話,播放視訊會卡頓

