SAP全球研發服務中心 招聘Senior Quality Management Engineer:
工作地點: 成都
招聘人數: 1
崗位要求: 優秀的英語能力和溝通能力; 紮實的技術背景; 工作有創新意識.
有興趣的候選人請將簡歷直接發到 請註明您要申請的崗位名稱.
詳細JD 如下:
Background required:
- Academic background of an MSc or BSc degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Electronics, Physics or a similar Subject;
- Good verbal and written communication skills in English, other languages will be a plus point;
- Strong sense of responsibilities, fast learner, excellent interpersonal skills and good at reverse thinking;
- Good and active team work, enjoy working with and helping other people;
- Experience of scheduling of test plan, test case design, implement and to push executing;
- Experience of test processes and test automation, strong testing and problem solving skills;
- Excellent understanding of enterprise application software;
- 2+ years software development experience or experienced at least 2+ software project lifecycle;
- Familiar with system administration and configuration;
- Background of SAP products or ABAP programming;
- Understanding of OLAP, data mining or related knowledge;
- Understanding of commonly used script languages (e.g. PHP, Perl, Ruby, Python, etc.);
- Experience of administration experience of Linux/Unix environments.
Work Experience:
- Minimum 2 years experience to implement new ERP systems or at least two end to end SAP system implementation experience.
- At least 1 years experience working on data migration to new ERP solutions, of which 6 months should be in migration approach planning, or at least one end to end SAP data migration project experience.
- Solid understanding of all factors affecting data integrity in your industry of expertise.
Work location: Chengdu, China
招聘人數: 1
崗位要求: 優秀的英語能力和溝通能力; 紮實的技術背景; 工作有創新意識.
有興趣的候選人請將簡歷直接發到 請註明您要申請的崗位名稱.
詳細JD 如下:
Background required:
- Academic background of an MSc or BSc degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Electronics, Physics or a similar Subject;
- Good verbal and written communication skills in English, other languages will be a plus point;
- Strong sense of responsibilities, fast learner, excellent interpersonal skills and good at reverse thinking;
- Good and active team work, enjoy working with and helping other people;
- Experience of scheduling of test plan, test case design, implement and to push executing;
- Experience of test processes and test automation, strong testing and problem solving skills;
- Excellent understanding of enterprise application software;
- 2+ years software development experience or experienced at least 2+ software project lifecycle;
- Familiar with system administration and configuration;
- Background of SAP products or ABAP programming;
- Understanding of OLAP, data mining or related knowledge;
- Understanding of commonly used script languages (e.g. PHP, Perl, Ruby, Python, etc.);
- Experience of administration experience of Linux/Unix environments.
Work Experience:
- Minimum 2 years experience to implement new ERP systems or at least two end to end SAP system implementation experience.
- At least 1 years experience working on data migration to new ERP solutions, of which 6 months should be in migration approach planning, or at least one end to end SAP data migration project experience.
- Solid understanding of all factors affecting data integrity in your industry of expertise.
Work location: Chengdu, China
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