rsync 使用示例
導讀 | Rsync(remote sync) 是用於同步某一位置檔案和目錄到另一位置的有效方法。備份的位置可以在本地伺服器或遠端伺服器。本站之前亦有介紹rsync的安裝配置和教程,詳看《 》一文。 |
$ rsync options source destination
1. 在本地伺服器上同步兩個目錄
用rsync – zvr在本地伺服器上同步兩個目錄
$ rsync -zvr /var/opt/installation/inventory/ /root/temp building file list ... done sva.xml svB.xml . sent 26385 bytes received 1098 bytes 54966.00 bytes/sec total size is 44867 speedup is 1.63
• –z:允許壓縮
• –v:冗長
• –r:遞迴
$ ls -l /var/opt/installation/inventory/sva.xml /root/temp/sva.xml -r--r--r-- 1 bin bin 949 Jun 18 2009 /var/opt/installation/inventory/sva.xml -r--r--r-- 1 root bin 949 Sep 2 2009 /root/temp/sva.xml
2. 用rsync –a同步時間戳
• 遞迴模式
• 同步軟連結
• 同步許可權
• 同步時間戳
• 同步屬主和屬組
$ rsync -azv /var/opt/installation/inventory/ /root/temp/ building file list ... done ./ sva.xml svB.xml . sent 26499 bytes received 1104 bytes 55206.00 bytes/sec total size is 44867 speedup is 1.63
$ ls -l /var/opt/installation/inventory/sva.xml /root/temp/sva.xml -r--r--r-- 1 root bin 949 Jun 18 2009 /var/opt/installation/inventory/sva.xml -r--r--r-- 1 root bin 949 Jun 18 2009 /root/temp/sva.xml
3. 只同步一個檔案
$ rsync -v /var/lib/rpm/Pubkeys /root/temp/ Pubkeys sent 42 bytes received 12380 bytes 3549.14 bytes/sec total size is 12288 speedup is 0.99
4. 將本地檔案同步到遠端伺服器
$ rsync -avz /root/temp/ linuxprobe@ Password: building file list ... done ./ rpm/ rpm/Basenames rpm/Conflictname sent 15810261 bytes received 412 bytes 2432411.23 bytes/sec total size is 45305958 speedup is 2.87
5. 將遠端檔案同步到本地伺服器
$ rsync -avz linuxprobe@ /root/temp Password: receiving file list ... done rpm/ rpm/Basenames . sent 406 bytes received 15810230 bytes 2432405.54 bytes/sec total size is 45305958 speedup is 2.87
6. 指定使用某一 同步
遠端同步時,Rsync可以指定使用某一shell進行安全傳輸。如:使用rsync –e ssh選擇ssh進行安全連線。
$ rsync -avz -e ssh linuxprobe@ /root/temp Password: receiving file list ... done rpm/ rpm/Basenames sent 406 bytes received 15810230 bytes 2432405.54 bytes/sec total size is 45305958 speedup is 2.87
7. 不覆蓋目標位置已改變的檔案
如果目標位置的檔案已被修改,而我們不希望舊檔案覆蓋它時,可以使用-u選項。下面例子中,目標位置的檔案Basenames已經被修改,使用-u 選項是它不被舊檔案覆蓋。
$ ls -l /root/temp/Basenames total 39088 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Sep 2 11:35 Basenames $ rsync -avzu linuxprobe@ /root/temp Password: receiving file list ... done rpm/ sent 122 bytes received 505 bytes 114.00 bytes/sec total size is 45305958 speedup is 72258.31 $ ls -lrt total 39088 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Sep 2 11:35 Basenames
8. 只同步目錄樹結構(不包括檔案)
使用rsync - d選項只將目錄樹從源位置同步至目標位置。下面的示例中,以遞迴方式只同步目錄樹而不同步目錄中的檔案。
$ rsync -v -d linuxprobe@ . Password: receiving file list ... done logrotate.status CAM/ YaST2/ acpi/ sent 240 bytes received 1830 bytes 318.46 bytes/sec total size is 956 speedup is 0.46
9. 檢視rsync進度
使用rsync –progress選項可以檢視rsync進度,如多少檔案已經被複製,完成率是多少等
$ rsync -avz --progress linuxprobe@ /root/temp/ Password: receiving file list ... 19 files to consider ./ Basenames 5357568 100% 14.98MB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#1, to-check=17/19) Conflictname 12288 100% 35.09kB/s 0:00:00 (xfer#2, to-check=16/19) . . . sent 406 bytes received 15810211 bytes 2108082.27 bytes/sec total size is 45305958 speedup is 2.87
10. 刪除目標位置建立的檔案
# Source and target are in sync. Now creating new file at the target. $ > new-file.txt $ rsync -avz --delete linuxprobe@ . Password: receiving file list ... done deleting new-file.txt ./ sent 26 bytes received 390 bytes 48.94 bytes/sec total size is 45305958 speedup is 108908.55
11. 在目標位置不建立新檔案
#在源位置建立新檔案new-file.txt [/var/lib/rpm ]$ > new-file.txt #同步目錄 $ rsync -avz --existing root@ . root@'s password: receiving file list ... done ./ sent 26 bytes received 419 bytes 46.84 bytes/sec total size is 88551424 speedup is 198991.96
$ ls -l /var/lib/rpm -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5357568 2010-06-24 08:57 Basenames -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12288 2008-05-28 22:03 Conflictname -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1179648 2010-06-24 08:57 Dirnames
$ ls -l /root/temp -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12288 May 28 2008 Conflictname -rw-r--r-- 1 bin bin 1179648 Jun 24 05:27 Dirnames -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Sep 3 06:39 Basenames
源和目標之間有兩個不同之處:1. 檔案Dirnames屬主和屬組不同 2. 檔案Basenames的大小不同
$ rsync -avzi linuxprobe@ /root/temp/ Password: receiving file list ... done > Basenames .f....og. Dirnames sent 48 bytes received 2182544 bytes 291012.27 bytes/sec total size is 45305958 speedup is 20.76 In the output it displays some 9 letters in front of the file name or directory name indicating the changes.
> 代表檔案已被傳輸到本地主機。 f:代表這是個檔案 s:代表檔案大小發生變化 t:代表時間戳發生變化 o:屬主發生變化 g:屬組發生變化
13. 在傳輸時指定包括或排除某些檔案
只傳輸’P’開頭的檔案或目錄(使用rsync include),不傳輸其他任何檔案(使用rsync exclude)
$ rsync -avz --include 'P*' --exclude '*' linuxprobe@ /root/temp/ Password: receiving file list ... done ./ Packages Providename Provideversion Pubkeys sent 129 bytes received 10286798 bytes 2285983.78 bytes/sec total size is 32768000 speedup is 3.19
14. 不傳輸大檔案
使用rsync –max-size選項後,rsync將不傳輸大於指定大小的檔案
$ rsync -avz --max-size='100K' linuxprobe@ /root/temp/ Password: receiving file list ... done ./ Conflictname Group Installtid Name Sha1header Sigmd5 Triggername sent 252 bytes received 123081 bytes 18974.31 bytes/sec total size is 45305958 speedup is 367.35
15. 傳輸整個檔案
# rsync -avzW linuxprobe@ /root/temp Password: receiving file list ... done ./ Basenames Conflictname Dirnames Filemd5s Group Installtid Name sent 406 bytes received 15810211 bytes 2874657.64 bytes/sec total size is 45305958 speedup is 2.87
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