

Laravel News 報導稱,包括 JetBrains 在內的多位社群成員,剛剛宣佈了 PHP 基金會的正式成立。作為一家非盈利組織,這項 Open Collective 倡議旨在持續推進這款語言的未來發展。通過資助為 PHP 語言做出貢獻的全職和兼職開發者們,PHP 基金會希望能夠確保該語言的長期繁榮。


除了 JetBrains,PHP 基金會的成員名單中還包括 AutomatticLaravelAcquiaZendCraftCMSPrivate PackagistTidewaysPrestaShop

據悉,這項決定背後的原因之一,是主要貢獻者中的Nikita Popov 決定將精力從 PHP 轉向 LLVM

早在 2011 年,他就投身了 PHP 的研究,並在為 JetBrains 工作的近三年時間裡,為 PHP 7.4 / 8.0 / 8.1 這三個大版本做出了重要貢獻。


Nikita Popov switches focus from PHP

Nikita started working on PHP in 2011 when he was still in high school. He made his first contribution in PHP 5.5. During his 10 years in the PHP world, Nikita implemented innumerable features, bug fixes, and improvements to the development process of the language.

Nikita has worked on PHP at JetBrains for close to three years, managing to accomplish a lot during that time. Three major releases – PHP 7.4, PHP 8.0, and PHP 8.1 – include many of his contributions from that period.

Besides PHP, Nikita has long been a contributor to Rust and LLVM. And just like PHP, when it grew from a hobby to a real job, Nikita has decided to focus his professional activities on LLVM.

Nikita is leaving JetBrains as of December 1 and will spend significantly less time on PHP. As sad as it is to see him go, we congratulate Nikita and wish him every success in his new journey!

Thank you, Nikita, for everything you’ve done for PHP! Your work is truly appreciated by millions of PHP developers.

一篇來自phpstorm部落格的報導,PHP 基金會籌集到的資金,將用於為參與 PHP 專案的貢獻者們提供資助和服務,以推動該語言的進一步發展。

至於未來規劃等更多細節,還請移步至 JetBrains 的 PHP 基金會公告頁面檢視


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