NBA 2K22 will include the voices of all 30 NBA Teams
NBA 2K22 will include the voices of all 30 NBA Teams. Marcus Tucker, the voice of Memphis Grizzlies within FedExForum will be
included in 2K22 too.
2K22 has also added two matchmaking services to the City. Therefore, if you're by yourself, you can hop into a 3V3 matchmaking game with two other random players. This type of game allows no teams. This can be played as 3V3 player against. player 1V1 player vs. player 3V3 vs. AI, or 3V3 cage matches.
In the end, 2K added quite a number of badges in MyCareer. Below is a link the list. Have you been in a game with a large man and missed the rim while having an Point Guard on? The new badge "Mouse in the house", allows your big man to perform better against smaller defenders.
2K on a SHIP?! Yes 2K22 will appear on the yacht of current generation consoles. Similar to the next generation consoles, the current generation consoles will use similar structure "seasons" which allow an increase in XP and also your players "REP."
With nearly six different levels of The Cancha Del Mar, 2K is hoping to bring that same enthusiasm to the latest generation of consoles. Every season, according to
2K's website, the boat will stop at different ports throughout each season giving players a different atmosphere throughout their journey to 99 and more.
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