[20210914]探究mutex的值 5.txt


[20210914]探究mutex的值 5.txt

Bucket: #=102650 Mutex=0x80528f40(0, 19, 0, 6)

--//注:11g 下每個library cache bucket佔用16位元組,後面跟著mutex,mutex結構佔用24位元組,這樣整個佔用40位元組。可以參考我前面
--//的測試 [20210524]分析library cache轉儲 3.txt

--//前面第1個數字,轉儲總是顯示0,如果使用oradebug poke前面0~3,4-7位元組非0,dump總是掛起.導致我無法猜測第1個數字表示什麼.
oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f40 4 0x00000001
oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f44 4 0x00000002

--//我仔細看了以前我的測試,發現以前在理解上出現一些偏差,這個測試主要目的看看muetx的0-3,4-7到底那個是表示sid,那個是ref count.

SCOTT@book> @ ver1
PORT_STRING                    VERSION        BANNER
------------------------------ -------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx       Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

SYS@book> alter system set session_cached_cursors=0 scope=spfile;
System altered.

--//重啟略,設定目的主要保證每次都是軟解析,這樣都會訪問library cache mutex.
--//session 1:
SCOTT@book> @ spid
       SID    SERIAL# PROCESS                  SERVER    SPID       PID  P_SERIAL# C50
---------- ---------- ------------------------ --------- ------ ------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
       295          5 9539                     DEDICATED 9540        21          3 alter system kill session '295,5' immediate;

--//sid=295 = 0x127.

SCOTT@book> select * from dept where deptno=20;
    DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
---------- -------------- -------------
        20 RESEARCH       DALLAS

SCOTT@book> @ hash
---------- ------------- ------------ ---------
  95129850 80baj2c2ur47u            0   5ab90fa
--//95129850%131072 = 102650,確定library cache mutex 地址如下,透過轉儲library cache,過程略.
oradebug setmypid
oradebug dump library_cache 10;
--//檢查轉儲,搜尋Bucket: #=102650,發現如下:
Bucket: #=102650 Mutex=0x80528f40(0, 6, 0, 6)

--//session 2:
SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000000 00000000 00000051 0000AE84 000190FA 00000000

SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f40 4 0x00000127
BEFORE: [080528F40, 080528F44) = 00000000
AFTER:  [080528F40, 080528F44) = 00000127

SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f44 4 0x00000127
BEFORE: [080528F44, 080528F48) = 00000000
AFTER:  [080528F44, 080528F48) = 00000127

SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000127 00000127 00000051 0000AE84 000190FA 00000000
--//0x51 = 81

--//session 1:
SCOTT@book> select * from dept where deptno=20;
    DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
---------- -------------- -------------
        20 RESEARCH       DALLAS


--//session 2:
SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000127 00000127 00000051 0000AE84 000190FA 00000000
--//0x51 = 81,可以發現並沒有增加.

SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f44 4 0x00000000
BEFORE: [080528F44, 080528F48) = 00000127
AFTER:  [080528F44, 080528F48) = 00000000

SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000127 00000000 00000051 0000AE84 000190FA 00000000

--//session 1:
SCOTT@book> select * from dept where deptno=20;


--//session 2, 修改回來.
SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f44 4 0x00000127
BEFORE: [080528F44, 080528F48) = 00000000
AFTER:  [080528F44, 080528F48) = 00000127
SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000127 00000127 00000051 0000AE84 000190FA 00000000

SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f40 4 0x00000000
BEFORE: [080528F40, 080528F44) = 00000127
AFTER:  [080528F40, 080528F44) = 00000000

SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000000 00000127 00000051 0000AE84 000190FA 00000000

SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f44 4 0x00000000
BEFORE: [080528F44, 080528F48) = 00000127
AFTER:  [080528F44, 080528F48) = 00000000

SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000000 00000000 00000052 0001819C 000190FA 00000000

--//session 1:
SCOTT@book> select * from dept where deptno=20;
    DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
---------- -------------- -------------
        20 RESEARCH       DALLAS

--//到底那個表示sid,ref count我還是猜測不出來.

--//session 3:
SCOTT@book> @ spid

       SID    SERIAL# PROCESS                  SERVER    SPID       PID  P_SERIAL# C50
---------- ---------- ------------------------ --------- ------ ------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
        58         85 10235                    DEDICATED 10236       28         36 alter system kill session '58,85' immediate;
--//58 = 0x3a

--//session 2:
oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f40 4 0x0000003a
oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f44 4 0x0000003a

SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 0000003A 0000003A 0000005B 0001819C 000190FA 00000000

--//session 3:
SCOTT@book> select * from dept where deptno=20;
    DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
---------- -------------- -------------
        20 RESEARCH       DALLAS

--//session 2:
SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f40 4 0x00000000
BEFORE: [080528F40, 080528F44) = 0000003A
AFTER:  [080528F40, 080528F44) = 00000000
SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f44 4 0x0000003a
BEFORE: [080528F44, 080528F48) = 0000003A
AFTER:  [080528F44, 080528F48) = 0000003A
SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000000 0000003A 0000005B 0001819C 000190FA 00000000

--//session 3:
SCOTT@book> select * from dept where deptno=20;
    DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
---------- -------------- -------------
        20 RESEARCH       DALLAS


SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f44 4 0x00000127
BEFORE: [080528F44, 080528F48) = 0000003A
AFTER:  [080528F44, 080528F48) = 00000127

SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000000 00000127 0000005B 0001819C 000190FA 00000000

--//session 3:
SCOTT@book> select * from dept where deptno=20;


--//session 1:
SCOTT@book> select * from dept where deptno=20;
    DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
---------- -------------- -------------
        20 RESEARCH       DALLAS

--//session 2:
SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f44 4 0x00000000
BEFORE: [080528F44, 080528F48) = 00000127
AFTER:  [080528F44, 080528F48) = 00000000

SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000000 00000000 0000005B 0001B0F9 000190FA 00000000

--//session 3:
SCOTT@book> select * from dept where deptno=20;
    DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
---------- -------------- -------------
        20 RESEARCH       DALLAS

--//從這個測試可以看出第4-7位元組應該表示sid. 這樣0-3 表示ref count.

--//session 2:
SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f40 4 0x00000001
BEFORE: [080528F40, 080528F44) = 00000000
AFTER:  [080528F40, 080528F44) = 00000001
SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000001 00000000 00000060 0002CA11 000190FA 00000000

--//session 1:
SCOTT@book> select * from dept where deptno=20;

--//session 3:
SCOTT@book> select * from dept where deptno=20;


--//session 2:
SYS@book> @ wait
P1RAW            P2RAW            P3RAW                    P1         P2         P3        SID    SERIAL#       SEQ# EVENT                                    STATUS   STATE               WAIT_TIME_MICRO SECONDS_IN_WAIT WAIT_CLASS           CLIENT_INFO
---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- -------- ------------------- --------------- --------------- -------------------- --------------------
00000000000190FA 0000000000000001 000000000000003E     102650          1         62         58         85      31967 library cache: mutex X                   ACTIVE   WAITED SHORT TIME                 2               0 Concurrency
00000000000190FA 0000000000000001 000000000000003E     102650          1         62        295          5      16799 library cache: mutex X                   ACTIVE   WAITED SHORT TIME                 4               0 Concurrency

SYS@book> @ ev_name "library cache: mutex X"
    EVENT#   EVENT_ID NAME                                     PARAMETER1           PARAMETER2           PARAMETER3           WAIT_CLASS_ID WAIT_CLASS# WAIT_CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ------------- ----------- --------------------
       289 1646780882 library cache: mutex X                   idn                  value                where                   3875070507           4 Concurrency

--//P2=1 表示muext的第4-7,0-3位元組資訊,注意intel系列CPU大小頭問題.另外如果修改8個位元組,特別注意這個問題,比如:
SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f40 8 0x0000000100000002
BEFORE: [080528F40, 080528F48) = 00000000 00000000
AFTER:  [080528F40, 080528F48) = 00000002 00000001

SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000002 00000001 00000062 000486F7 000190FA 00000000
--//不知道為什麼我一直以為這樣的情況如果前面是00000002 00000000時不會阻塞,看來我搞錯了.

SYS@book> @ tpt/ash/ash_wait_chains BLOCKING_SESSION||','||BLOCKING_SESSION_SERIAL#||'@'||BLOCKING_INST_ID||'=>'||session_id||','||SESSION_SERIAL#||'@'||inst_id||'=>'||event 1=1 sysdate-1/1440 sysdate

-- Display ASH Wait Chain Signatures script v0.2 BETA by Tanel Poder ( http://blog.tanelpoder.com )
------ ---------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  32%          37         .6 -> ,@=>58,85@1=>
  28%          32         .5 -> ,@=>295,5@1=>
  23%          26         .4 -> ,@=>295,5@1=>library cache: mutex X
  17%          19         .3 -> ,@=>58,85@1=>library cache: mutex X
   1%           1          0 -> ,@=>44,23@1=>

--//從測試可以看出mutex結構體,第0-3位元組表示ref count,第4-7位元組表示阻塞的持有的sid???
$ oerr ora 04024
04024, 00000, "self-deadlock detected while trying to mutex pin cursor %s"
// *Cause:  While trying to mutex pin a cursor, a self-deadlock is detected.
// *Action: Retry the operation later.

SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f40 8 0x0000000000000000
BEFORE: [080528F40, 080528F48) = 00000002 00000001
AFTER:  [080528F40, 080528F48) = 00000000 00000000

--//session 2:
SYS@book> @ spid
       SID    SERIAL# PROCESS                  SERVER    SPID       PID  P_SERIAL# C50
---------- ---------- ------------------------ --------- ------ ------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------
        44         23 9542                     DEDICATED 9543        27          9 alter system kill session '44,23' immediate;

--//44 = 0x2c

SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f40 8 0x0000002c00000000
BEFORE: [080528F40, 080528F48) = 00000000 00000000
AFTER:  [080528F40, 080528F48) = 00000000 0000002C

SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000000 0000002C 00000062 000486F7 000190FA 00000000

SYS@book> oradebug dump library_cache 8;
Statement processed.

SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000000 0000002C 00000062 000486F7 000190FA 00000000

Bucket: #=102650 Mutex=0x80528f40(0, 98, 296695, 0)
--//98 = 0x62,這樣的情況gets計數不增加,是否可以理解為獨佔持有該mutex.
  LibraryHandle:  Address=0x7d3c9600 Hash=5ab90fa LockMode=N PinMode=0 LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD
    ObjectName:  Name=select * from dept where deptno=20
      FullHashValue=e8ec445edab00042802d511305ab90fa Namespace=SQL AREA(00) Type=CURSOR(00) Identifier=95129850 OwnerIdn=83
    Statistics:  InvalidationCount=0 ExecutionCount=97 LoadCount=2 ActiveLocks=1 TotalLockCount=97 TotalPinCount=1
    Counters:  BrokenCount=1 RevocablePointer=1 KeepDependency=1 Version=0 BucketInUse=96 HandleInUse=96 HandleReferenceCount=0
    Concurrency:  DependencyMutex=0x7d3c96b0(0, 4, 0, 0) Mutex=0x7d3c9740(44, 444, 0, 6)
    Timestamp:  Current=09-14-2021 09:20:40
    HandleReference:  Address=0x7d3c97d0 Handle=(nil) Flags=[00]
      Reference:  Address=0x7d06d128 Handle=0x7d6c0cc8 Flags=ROD[21]
    LibraryObject:  Address=0x7d06ee18 HeapMask=0000-0001-0001-0000 Flags=EXS[0000] Flags2=[0000] PublicFlags=[0000]
        Block:  #='0' name=KGLH0^5ab90fa pins=0 Change=NONE
          Heap=0x7c185b68 Pointer=0x7d06eeb8 Extent=0x7d06ed98 Flags=I/-/P/A/-/-
          FreedLocation=0 Alloc=2.437500 Size=3.976562 LoadTime=22924574690
      ChildTable:  size='16'
        Child:  id='0' Table=0x7d06fcc8 Reference=0x7d06f708 Handle=0x7d5e6c68
      Parent Cursor:  sql_id=80baj2c2ur47u parent=0x7d06eeb8 maxchild=1 plk=y ppn=n

SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f40 8 0x0000002c00000011
BEFORE: [080528F40, 080528F48) = 00000000 0000002C
AFTER:  [080528F40, 080528F48) = 00000011 0000002C

SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 00000011 0000002C 00000062 000486F7 000190FA 00000000

SYS@book> @ tix
New tracefile_identifier =  /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/book/book/trace/book_ora_9543_0001.trc

SYS@book> oradebug dump library_cache 8;
Statement processed.

Bucket: #=102650 Mutex=0x80528f40(11, 98, 296695, 0)
--//98 = 0x62,
--//11? 嗯這裡是16進位制嗎?正常應該顯示17才對啊,oracle怎麼這樣dump呢?
  LibraryHandle:  Address=0x7d3c9600 Hash=5ab90fa LockMode=N PinMode=0 LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD
    ObjectName:  Name=select * from dept where deptno=20
      FullHashValue=e8ec445edab00042802d511305ab90fa Namespace=SQL AREA(00) Type=CURSOR(00) Identifier=95129850 OwnerIdn=83
    Statistics:  InvalidationCount=0 ExecutionCount=97 LoadCount=2 ActiveLocks=1 TotalLockCount=97 TotalPinCount=1
    Counters:  BrokenCount=1 RevocablePointer=1 KeepDependency=1 Version=0 BucketInUse=96 HandleInUse=96 HandleReferenceCount=0
    Concurrency:  DependencyMutex=0x7d3c96b0(0, 5, 0, 0) Mutex=0x7d3c9740(44, 445, 0, 6)
    Timestamp:  Current=09-14-2021 09:20:40
    HandleReference:  Address=0x7d3c97d0 Handle=(nil) Flags=[00]
      Reference:  Address=0x7d06d128 Handle=0x7d6c0cc8 Flags=ROD[21]
    LibraryObject:  Address=0x7d06ee18 HeapMask=0000-0001-0001-0000 Flags=EXS[0000] Flags2=[0000] PublicFlags=[0000]
        Block:  #='0' name=KGLH0^5ab90fa pins=0 Change=NONE
          Heap=0x7c185b68 Pointer=0x7d06eeb8 Extent=0x7d06ed98 Flags=I/-/P/A/-/-
          FreedLocation=0 Alloc=2.437500 Size=3.976562 LoadTime=22924574690
      ChildTable:  size='16'
        Child:  id='0' Table=0x7d06fcc8 Reference=0x7d06f708 Handle=0x7d5e6c68
      Parent Cursor:  sql_id=80baj2c2ur47u parent=0x7d06eeb8 maxchild=1 plk=y ppn=n

SYS@book> @ tix
New tracefile_identifier =  /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/book/book/trace/book_ora_9543_0002.trc

SYS@book> oradebug poke 0x0000000080528f40 4 0x000001ab
BEFORE: [080528F40, 080528F44) = 00000100
AFTER:  [080528F40, 080528F44) = 000001AB

SYS@book> oradebug peek 0x80528f40 24
[080528F40, 080528F58) = 000001AB 0000002C 00000062 000486F7 000190FA 00000000

SYS@book> oradebug dump library_cache 8;
Statement processed.

Bucket: #=102650 Mutex=0x80528f40(1ab, 98, 296695, 0)
  LibraryHandle:  Address=0x7d3c9600 Hash=5ab90fa LockMode=N PinMode=0 LoadLockMode=0 Status=VALD
    ObjectName:  Name=select * from dept where deptno=20
      FullHashValue=e8ec445edab00042802d511305ab90fa Namespace=SQL AREA(00) Type=CURSOR(00) Identifier=95129850 OwnerIdn=83
    Statistics:  InvalidationCount=0 ExecutionCount=97 LoadCount=2 ActiveLocks=1 TotalLockCount=97 TotalPinCount=1
    Counters:  BrokenCount=1 RevocablePointer=1 KeepDependency=1 Version=0 BucketInUse=96 HandleInUse=96 HandleReferenceCount=0
    Concurrency:  DependencyMutex=0x7d3c96b0(0, 7, 0, 0) Mutex=0x7d3c9740(44, 447, 0, 6)
    Timestamp:  Current=09-14-2021 09:20:40
    HandleReference:  Address=0x7d3c97d0 Handle=(nil) Flags=[00]
      Reference:  Address=0x7d06d128 Handle=0x7d6c0cc8 Flags=ROD[21]
    LibraryObject:  Address=0x7d06ee18 HeapMask=0000-0001-0001-0000 Flags=EXS[0000] Flags2=[0000] PublicFlags=[0000]
        Block:  #='0' name=KGLH0^5ab90fa pins=0 Change=NONE
          Heap=0x7c185b68 Pointer=0x7d06eeb8 Extent=0x7d06ed98 Flags=I/-/P/A/-/-
          FreedLocation=0 Alloc=2.437500 Size=3.976562 LoadTime=22924574690
      ChildTable:  size='16'
        Child:  id='0' Table=0x7d06fcc8 Reference=0x7d06f708 Handle=0x7d5e6c68
      Parent Cursor:  sql_id=80baj2c2ur47u parent=0x7d06eeb8 maxchild=1 plk=y ppn=n

--//至此可以知道dump library cache,mutex的值應該表示mutex結構體的第0-3,第8-11,第12-15,第20-23位元組.分別對應ref count,gets,sleep.???.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2791949/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
