Oracle 19c rac安裝,只能啟動一個節點的ASM
在華為雲的ECS上安裝rac 19c,執行root.sh過程不報錯,但是後期只能同時執行一個ASM節點,另一個ASM例項不能啟動,報錯如下,無明顯的ora錯誤:
2021-03-01T17:41:43.138055+08:00 PMON (ospid: ): terminating the instance due to ORA error 2021-03-01T17:41:43.138186+08:00 Cause - 'Instance is being terminated due to fatal process death (pid: 15, ospid: 12372, LMON)' 2021-03-01T17:41:43.311602+08:00 System state dump requested by (instance=2, osid=12342 (PMON)), summary=[abnormal instance termination]. error - 'Instance is terminating. ' System State dumped to trace file /u01/app/grid/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM2/trace/+ASM2_diag_12364.trc 2021-03-01T17:41:43.399656+08:00 Dumping diagnostic data in directory=[cdmp_20210301174143], requested by (instance=2, osid=12342 (PMON)), summary=[abnormal instance termination]. 2021-03-01T17:41:44.199390+08:00 ORA-1092 : opitsk aborting process 2021-03-01T17:41:44.440098+08:00 Instance terminated by PMON, pid = 12342 No reconfig messages from other instances in the cluster during startup. Hence, LMON is terminating the instance. Please check the network logs of this instance as well as the network health of the cluster for problems or if the GI is in patching mode 2021-03-01 19:45:31.043 :kjzduptcctx(): Notifying DIAG for crash event ----- Abridged Call Stack Trace ----- ksedsts()+426<-kjzduptcctx()+724<-kjzdicrshnfy()+1053<-ksuitm_opt()+1716<-kjxgrssvote_check_memverify()+1826<-kjxgrssvote_check()+1146<-kjxgmccs()+2300<-kjxgmpoll()+2117<-kjxggpoll()+646<-kjfmact()+104<-kjfcln()+4312<-ksbrdp()+1123<-opirip()+541<-opidrv()+581 <-sou2o()+165<-opimai_real()+173<-ssthrdmain()+417<-main()+256<-__libc_start_main()+245 ----- End of Abridged Call Stack Trace ----- Partial short call stack signature: 0x8f2b5d02c0bff724 *** 2021-03-01T19:45:31.068262+08:00 LMON (ospid: 3431): terminating the instance due to ORA error 481 Cause - 'Instance is being terminated by LMON' ksuitm: waiting up to [5] seconds before killing DIAG(3423) 2021-03-01T19:58:39.838688+08:00 No connectivity to other instances in the cluster during startup. Hence, LMON is terminating the instance. Please check the LMON trace file for details. Also, please check the network logs of this instance along with clusterwide network health for problems and then re-start this instance. LMON (ospid: ): terminating the instance due to ORA error Cause - 'Instance is being terminated by LMON' 2021-03-01T19:58:39.947022+08:00 System state dump requested by (instance=1, osid=16133 (LMON)), summary=[abnormal instance termination]. error - 'Instance is terminating. ' System State dumped to trace file /u01/app/grid/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM1/trace/+ASM1_diag_16125.trc 2021-03-01T19:58:40.035354+08:00 Dumping diagnostic data in directory=[cdmp_20210301195840], requested by (instance=1, osid=16133 (LMON)), summary=[abnormal instance termination]. 2021-03-01T19:58:40.943331+08:00 ORA-1092 : opitsk aborting process 2021-03-01T19:58:41.162989+08:00 Instance terminated by LMON, pid = 16133
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