[原始碼分析] Dynomite 分散式儲存引擎 之 DynoJedisClient(2)


[原始碼分析] Dynomite 分散式儲存引擎 之 DynoJedisClient(2)

0x00 摘要

上文我們介紹了 NetFlix Dynomite 客戶端 DynoJedisClient 的 連線管理和拓撲感知部分,本文將繼續分析自動發現和故障轉移。

0x02 需求 & 思路


因為要為上層遮蔽資訊,所以 DynoJedisClient 就需要應對各種複雜資訊,需要對系統有深刻的瞭解,,比如:

  • 如何維護連線,為持久連線提供連線池;
  • 如何維護拓撲;
  • 如何負載均衡;
  • 如何故障轉移;
  • 如何自動重試及發現,比如自動重試掛掉的主機。自動發現叢集中的其他主機。
  • 如何監控底層機架狀態;

因此,DynoJedisClient 的思路是:java驅動提供多個策略介面,可以用來驅動程式行為調優。包括負載均衡,重試請求,管理節點連線等等


0x3 自動發現

自動發現 是在 ConnectionPoolImpl 的 start 方法中,啟動了執行緒,定期重新整理host狀態,進行update。

2.1 執行緒


  • 呼叫 hostsUpdater 來獲得最新的狀態;
  • 呼叫 updateHosts 來依據這些狀態 更新 ConnectionPoolImpl 內部成員變數;
    public Future<Boolean> start() throws DynoException {

        HostSupplier hostSupplier = cpConfiguration.getHostSupplier();

        HostStatusTracker hostStatus = hostsUpdater.refreshHosts();

        Collection<Host> hostsUp = hostStatus.getActiveHosts();

        final ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(Math.max(10, hostsUp.size()));
        final List<Future<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<Future<Void>>();

        // 初始化,新增host
        for (final Host host : hostsUp) {

            // Add host connection pool, but don't init the load balancer yet
            futures.add(threadPool.submit(new Callable<Void>() {
                public Void call() throws Exception {
                    addHost(host, false);
                    return null;

      boolean success = started.compareAndSet(false, true);
        if (success) {
            selectionStrategy = initSelectionStrategy();

            // 啟動定時執行緒
            connPoolThreadPool.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    try {
                        // 呼叫 hostsUpdater 來獲得最新的狀態
                        HostStatusTracker hostStatus = hostsUpdater.refreshHosts();
                        // 呼叫updateHosts來依據這些狀態 更新 ConnectionPoolImpl 內部成員變數
                        updateHosts(hostStatus.getActiveHosts(), hostStatus.getInactiveHosts());

            }, 15 * 1000, 30 * 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

        return getEmptyFutureTask(true);

2.2 update操作

上面程式碼中,具體 updateHosts 完成更新 host 操作,分別就是新增,刪除。

public Future<Boolean> updateHosts(Collection<Host> hostsUp, Collection<Host> hostsDown) {
        boolean condition = false;
        if (hostsUp != null && !hostsUp.isEmpty()) {
            for (Host hostUp : hostsUp) {
                condition |= addHost(hostUp);
        if (hostsDown != null && !hostsDown.isEmpty()) {
            for (Host hostDown : hostsDown) {
                condition |= removeHost(hostDown);
        return getEmptyFutureTask(condition);

updateHosts 方法呼叫了 addHost,可以看到,其對於 selectionStrategy,cpMonitor,cpHealthTracker,cpMap 都進行相應操作,因為這些都需要針對 host 的變化做處理。

public boolean addHost(Host host, boolean refreshLoadBalancer) {
        HostConnectionPool<CL> connPool = cpMap.get(host);
        final HostConnectionPool<CL> hostPool = hostConnPoolFactory.createHostConnectionPool(host, this);

        HostConnectionPool<CL> prevPool = cpMap.putIfAbsent(host, hostPool);
        if (prevPool == null) {
            // This is the first time we are adding this pool.
            try {
                int primed = hostPool.primeConnections();

                if (hostPool.isActive()) {
                    if (refreshLoadBalancer) {
                        selectionStrategy.addHost(host, hostPool);
                    cpMonitor.hostAdded(host, hostPool);
                } else {
                return primed > 0;


|                                                                          |
|   ConnectionPoolImpl                                                     |
|                                                                          |
|                                                      Timer               |
|                                           +----------------------+       |
|                           refreshHosts    |                      |       |
|           hostsUpdater +----------------> |  connPoolThreadPool  |       |
|                                           |                      |       |
|                                           +------------+---------+       |
|                                                        |                 |
|                                                        |                 |
|                                         updateHosts    |                 |
|                                                        |                 |
|                      +----------------+-----------------------------+    |
|                      |                |                |            |    |
|                      |                |                |            |    |
|                      v                v                v            v    |
|             cpHealthTracker      selectionStrategy   cpMonitor    cpMap  |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |

2.3 發現

發現是通過 HostsUpdater 進行操作。

2.3.1 HostsUpdater

此類的主要作用是呼叫 HostSupplier 進行重新整理:

  • 遍歷 hostFromHostSupplier,如果 是up, down 狀態不同,則分別做不同處理,比如用hostFromHostSupplier的屬性來各種設定upHostBuilder,比如ip, hostname, status, port, DatastorePort, rack, datacenter, hashtag, password...
  • 呼叫 HostStatusTracker 進行記錄。
public class HostsUpdater {
    private final HostSupplier hostSupplier;
    private final TokenMapSupplier tokenMapSupplier;
    private final AtomicReference<HostStatusTracker> hostTracker = new AtomicReference<HostStatusTracker>(null);

    public HostStatusTracker refreshHosts() {

        List<Host> allHostsFromHostSupplier = hostSupplier.getHosts();

         * HostTracker should return the hosts that we get from TokenMapSupplier.
         * Hence get the hosts from HostSupplier and map them to TokenMapSupplier
         * and return them.
        Set<Host> hostSet = new HashSet<>(allHostsFromHostSupplier);
        // Create a list of host/Tokens
        List<HostToken> hostTokens = tokenMapSupplier.getTokens(hostSet);

        // The key here really needs to be a object that is overlapping between
        // the host from HostSupplier and TokenMapSupplier. Since that is a
        // subset of the Host object itself, Host is the key as well as value here.
        Map<Host, Host> allHostSetFromTokenMapSupplier = new HashMap<>();
        for (HostToken ht : hostTokens) {
            allHostSetFromTokenMapSupplier.put(ht.getHost(), ht.getHost());

        for (Host hostFromHostSupplier : allHostsFromHostSupplier) {
            if (hostFromHostSupplier.isUp()) {
                // 設定 up 狀態
                Host hostFromTokenMapSupplier = allHostSetFromTokenMapSupplier.get(hostFromHostSupplier);

                // 用hostFromHostSupplier的屬性來各種設定upHostBuilder,比如ip, hostname, status, port, DatastorePort, rack, datacenter, hashtag, password...
                HostBuilder upHostBuilder = new HostBuilder()

            } else {
                // 設定 down 狀態
                Host hostFromTokenMapSupplier = allHostSetFromTokenMapSupplier.get(hostFromHostSupplier);

                // downHostBuilder,比如ip, hostname, status, port, DatastorePort, rack, datacenter, hashtag, password...
                HostBuilder downHostBuilder = new HostBuilder()


        HostStatusTracker newTracker = hostTracker.get().computeNewHostStatus(hostsUpFromHostSupplier, hostsDownFromHostSupplier);

        return hostTracker.get();

2.3.2 HostStatusTracker


public class HostStatusTracker {
    // the set of active and inactive hosts
    private final Set<Host> activeHosts = new HashSet<Host>();
    private final Set<Host> inactiveHosts = new HashSet<Host>();

2.3.3 HostSupplier

HostSupplier就是具體重新整理,有很多實現。Dynomite 的具體的業務工作本來也就是需要依託給其他具體功能類來實現。

我們以EurekaHostsSupplier為例,就是呼叫 EurekaClient discoveryClient 獲取資訊。

public class EurekaHostsSupplier implements HostSupplier {

    private final EurekaClient discoveryClient;

    public List<Host> getHosts() {
        return getUpdateFromEureka();

    private List<Host> getUpdateFromEureka() {
        Application app = discoveryClient.getApplication(applicationName);
        List<Host> hosts = new ArrayList<Host>();
        List<InstanceInfo> ins = app.getInstances();
        hosts = Lists.newArrayList(Collections2.transform(ins, info -> {
            Host.Status status = info.getStatus() == InstanceStatus.UP ? Host.Status.Up : Host.Status.Down;

            String rack = null;
            try {
                if (info.getDataCenterInfo() instanceof AmazonInfo) {
                    AmazonInfo amazonInfo = (AmazonInfo) info.getDataCenterInfo();
                    rack = amazonInfo.get(MetaDataKey.availabilityZone);

            Host host = new HostBuilder().setHostname(info.getHostName()).setIpAddress(info.getIPAddr()).setRack(rack).setStatus(status).createHost();
            return host;

        return hosts;


|   ConnectionPoolImpl                                                                 |
|                                                                                      |
|                                                                                      |
|  +-----------------------------------+                                               |
|  | hostsUpdater                      |                                               |
|  |                                   |                                               |
|  |                                   |                                               |
|  |                                   |                          Timer                |
|  |                                   |                  +----------------------+     |
|  |                                   |  refreshHosts    |                      |     |
|  |         HostStatusTracker -------------------------> |  connPoolThreadPool  |     |
|  |                       ^           |                  |                      |     |
|  |                       |           |                  +------------+---------+     |
|  |  getUpdateFromEureka  |           |                               |               |
|  |                       |           |                               |               |
|  |                       |           |                updateHosts    |               |
|  |       +----------------------+    |                               |               |
|  |       | HostSupplier  |      |    |              +-----------------------------+  |
|  |       |               |      |    |              |                |            |  |
|  |       |               +      |    |              |                |            |  |
|  |       |      EurekaClient    |    |              v                v            v  |
|  |       |                      |    |         selectionStrategy   cpMonitor   cpMap |
|  |       +----------------------+    |                                               |
|  +-----------------------------------+                                               |

0x04 錯誤處理 & 負載均衡


Dynomite 之中,錯誤主要有3種:

  • 無效的請求:錯誤直接返回應用上層,因為驅動程式無法知道如何處理此類請求;
  • 伺服器錯誤:驅動程式可以根據負載平衡策略嘗試下一個節點;
  • 網路超時:如果請求被標記為冪等,則驅動程式可以重試該請求。預設情況下,請求不被認為是冪等的,因此在可能的情況下將請求儘量標記是一個好習慣。

依據錯誤級別,錯誤處理 分別有 重試 與 fallback選擇 兩種,我們下面按照錯誤級別進行介紹。

4.1 重試策略


但是 由於網路條件的臨時更改也會使節點顯示為離線,因此驅動程式還提供了一種 retry策略 來重試因網路相關錯誤而失敗的查詢。這消除了在客戶端程式碼中編寫重試邏輯的需要。


4.1.1 策略分類


  • RetryNTimes:保證一個操作可以被重試最多 N times,RetryNTimes (2) 意味著在放棄之前,最多 2 + 1 = 3 重試;
  • RunOnce:從不建議重試,始終建議重新丟擲異常;

4.1.2 策略使用


  • 獲取重試策略;
  • 在迴圈中進行操作:
    • 執行操作;
    • 如果成功,就執行操作策略的success方法,跳出迴圈;
    • 如果失敗,就執行操作策略的failure方法;
    • 如果允許重試,就繼續執行迴圈;


public <R> OperationResult<R> executeWithFailover(Operation<CL, R> op) throws DynoException {
        RetryPolicy retry = cpConfiguration.getRetryPolicyFactory().getRetryPolicy();

        DynoException lastException = null;
        do {
            Connection<CL> connection = null;
            try {
                connection = selectionStrategy.getConnectionUsingRetryPolicy(op,
                        cpConfiguration.getMaxTimeoutWhenExhausted(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, retry);
                OperationResult<R> result = connection.execute(op); // 執行操作
                retry.success();  // 如果成功,就執行操作策略的success方法,跳出迴圈 
                return result;        
            } catch (DynoException e) {
                retry.failure(e); // 如果失敗,就執行操作策略的failure方法
                lastException = e;
                if (connection != null) {
                    cpMonitor.incOperationFailure(connection.getHost(), e);
                    if (retry.allowRetry()) { // 呼叫具體 retry 實現策略
                        cpMonitor.incFailover(connection.getHost(), e);
        } while (retry.allowRetry()); // 如果允許重試,就繼續執行迴圈


4.1.3 RetryNTimes


public class RetryNTimes implements RetryPolicy {

    private int n;
    private final AtomicReference<RetryState> state = new AtomicReference<>(new RetryState(0, false));

    public RetryNTimes(int n, boolean allowFallback) {
        this.n = n;
        this.allowCrossZoneFallback = allowFallback;

    public void success() {
        boolean success = false;
        RetryState rs;
        while (!success) {
            rs = state.get(); // 設定內部變數
            success = state.compareAndSet(rs, new RetryState(rs.count + 1, true));

    public void failure(Exception e) {
        boolean success = false;
        RetryState rs;
        while (!success) {
            rs = state.get(); // 設定內部變數
            success = state.compareAndSet(rs, new RetryState(rs.count + 1, false));

    public boolean allowRetry() {
        final RetryState rs = state.get();
        return !rs.success && rs.count <= n;

    private class RetryState {
        private final int count;
        private final boolean success;

        public RetryState(final int count, final boolean success) {
            this.count = count;
            this.success = success;

4.2 選擇策略

因為重試有時候不能解決問題,所以下面我們談談解決更加嚴重問題 的 fallback 選擇策略。


為了防止單節點作為過多請求的協調節點,DynoJedisClient 驅動程式提供了一個可插拔的機制來平衡多個節點之間的查詢負載。通過選擇 HostSelectionStrategy 策略介面的實現來實現負載平衡。

每個 HostSelectionStrategy 將群集中的每個節點分類為本地,遠端或忽略。驅動程式更喜歡與本地節點的互動,並且與遠端節點保持與本地節點的更多連線。

HostSelectionStrategy 在構建時在群集上設定。驅動程式提供了兩種基本的負載平衡實現:RoundRobin Policy 和 TokenAwareSelection。

  • RoundRobinPolicy:以重複模式跨叢集中的節點分配請求以分散處理負載,在所有節點中負載均衡。
  • TokenAwareSelection:令牌感知,其使用令牌值以選擇作為所需資料的副本的節點進行請求,從而最小化必須查詢的節點的數量。這是通過使用TokenAwarePolicy包裝所選策略來實現的。

4.2.1 協調器

HostSelectionWithFallback 是選擇協調器。

  • 在眾多 HostSelectionStrategy 中進行協調,把需求具體map到特定機架rack;
  • HostSelectionWithFallback 並不負責具體實現(e.g Round Robin or Token Aware) ,而是從具體實現策略獲取連線;
  • HostSelectionWithFallback 依賴兩種策略:
    • 本地 "local" HostSelectionStrategy 會被優先使用;
    • 如果本地連線池或者本地hosts失效,HostSelectionWithFallback 會 falls back 到遠端策略 remote HostSelectionStrategy;
    • 當本地rack失效時,為了做到均勻分發負載,HostSelectionWithFallback 使用 pure round robin 來選擇 remote HostSelectionStrategy;
  • HostSelectionWithFallback 不會偏愛某種遠端策略;


HostSelectionWithFallback 的具體成員變數為:

  • 本地Host資訊,比如本地資料中心localDataCenter,本地機架localRack,本地選擇策略localSelector;
  • 遠端Host資訊,比如遠端zone名字remoteRackNames,遠端選擇策略remoteRackSelectors;
  • Token相關資訊,比如hostTokens,tokenSupplier,拓撲資訊topology;
  • 配置資訊cpConfig;
  • 監控資訊;


public class HostSelectionWithFallback<CL> {
    // Only used in calculating replication factor
    private final String localDataCenter;
    // tracks the local zone
    private final String localRack;
    // The selector for the local zone
    private final HostSelectionStrategy<CL> localSelector;
    // Track selectors for each remote zone
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, HostSelectionStrategy<CL>> remoteRackSelectors = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    private final ConcurrentHashMap<Host, HostToken> hostTokens = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    private final TokenMapSupplier tokenSupplier;
    private final ConnectionPoolConfiguration cpConfig;
    private final ConnectionPoolMonitor cpMonitor;

    private final AtomicInteger replicationFactor = new AtomicInteger(-1);

    // Represents the *initial* topology from the token supplier. This does not affect selection of a host connection
    // pool for traffic. It only affects metrics such as failover/fallback
    private final AtomicReference<TokenPoolTopology> topology = new AtomicReference<>(null);

    // list of names of remote zones. Used for RoundRobin over remote zones when local zone host is down
    private final CircularList<String> remoteRackNames = new CircularList<>(new ArrayList<>());

    private final HostSelectionStrategyFactory<CL> selectorFactory;

4.2.2 策略

HostSelectionStrategy是選擇Host策略,具體實現是 RoundRobinSelection 和 TokenAwareSelection。



實際上,對每個請求都會算出一個查詢計劃。查詢計劃確定向哪個主機傳送請求以及以哪個順序傳送(取決於推測執行策略和重試策略)。 RoundRobinSelection

此策略如字面意思,使用 ROUND ROBIN 策略,以執行緒安全方式在環形資料結構上提供 RR 負載均衡。

  • 支援動態新增刪除 Host,就是外界當察覺到拓撲變化,會呼叫這裡介面,進行update。
  • 返回連線也就是簡單的從list中提取。
  • 提供不同的函式用來返回各種形式的連線,比如
    • getPoolForToken : 根據 token 返回;
    • getOrderedHostPools :返回排序的list;
    • getNextConnectionPool : 依據一個 circularList 返回;
    • getPoolsForTokens : 按照給定區域返回;
public class RoundRobinSelection<CL> implements HostSelectionStrategy<CL> {

    // The total set of host pools. Once the host is selected, we ask it's corresponding pool to vend a connection
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, HostConnectionPool<CL>> tokenPools = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, HostConnectionPool<CL>>();

    // the circular list of Host over which we load balance in a round robin fashion
    private final CircularList<HostToken> circularList = new CircularList<HostToken>(null);

    public HostConnectionPool<CL> getPoolForOperation(BaseOperation<CL, ?> op, String hashtag) throws NoAvailableHostsException {

        int numTries = circularList.getSize();
        HostConnectionPool<CL> lastPool = null;

        while (numTries > 0) {
            lastPool = getNextConnectionPool();
            if (lastPool.isActive() && lastPool.getHost().isUp()) {
                return lastPool;

        // If we reach here then we haven't found an active pool. Return the last inactive pool anyways,
        // and HostSelectionWithFallback can choose a fallback pool from another dc
        return lastPool;

    public void initWithHosts(Map<HostToken, HostConnectionPool<CL>> hPools) {

        for (HostToken token : hPools.keySet()) {
            tokenPools.put(token.getToken(), hPools.get(token));

    public boolean addHostPool(HostToken host, HostConnectionPool<CL> hostPool) {

        HostConnectionPool<CL> prevPool = tokenPools.put(host.getToken(), hostPool);
        if (prevPool == null) {
            List<HostToken> newHostList = new ArrayList<HostToken>(circularList.getEntireList());
        return prevPool == null;

RR 策略大致如下,可以理解為從一個 circularList 裡面順序選擇下一個策略:

                        |HostSelectionWithFallback |
                       |                             |
                       v                             v
             +---------+------------+    +-----------+--------+
             | RoundRobinSelection  |    | TokenAwareSelection|
             |                      |    +--------------------+
             |                      |
             |    circularList      |
             |         +            |
             |         |            |

+--> Pool1, Pool2, Pool3,..., Pooln +----+
|                                        |
|                                        |
+----------------------------------------+ TokenAwareSelection

TokenAwareSelection使用 TOKEN AWARE 演算法進行處理。


所以此模組需要了解 dynomite ring topology,從而可以依據操作的key把其map到正確的token owner節點。


這種策略使用二分法查詢來依據key得到token,然後通過token定位到dynomite topology ring。


  • getPoolForToken : 根據 token 返回;
  • getOrderedHostPools :返回排序的list;
  • getNextConnectionPool : 依據一個 circularList 返回;
  • getPoolsForTokens : 按照給定區域返回;
public class TokenAwareSelection<CL> implements HostSelectionStrategy<CL> {

    private final BinarySearchTokenMapper tokenMapper;

    private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, HostConnectionPool<CL>> tokenPools = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, HostConnectionPool<CL>>();

    public TokenAwareSelection(HashPartitioner hashPartitioner) {
        this.tokenMapper = new BinarySearchTokenMapper(hashPartitioner);

     * Identifying the proper pool for the operation. A couple of things that may affect the decision
     * (a) hashtags: In this case we will construct the key by decomposing from the hashtag
     * (b) type of key: string keys vs binary keys.
     * In binary keys hashtags do not really matter.
    public HostConnectionPool<CL> getPoolForOperation(BaseOperation<CL, ?> op, String hashtag) throws NoAvailableHostsException {

        String key = op.getStringKey();
        HostConnectionPool<CL> hostPool;
        HostToken hToken;

        if (key != null) {
            // If a hashtag is provided by Dynomite then we use that to create the key to hash.
            if (hashtag == null || hashtag.isEmpty()) {
                hToken = this.getTokenForKey(key);
            } else {
                String hashValue = StringUtils.substringBetween(key, Character.toString(hashtag.charAt(0)), Character.toString(hashtag.charAt(1)));
                hToken = this.getTokenForKey(hashValue);
            hostPool = tokenPools.get(hToken.getToken());
        } else {
            // the key is binary
            byte[] binaryKey = op.getBinaryKey();
            hToken = this.getTokenForKey(binaryKey);
            hostPool = tokenPools.get(hToken.getToken());
        return hostPool;

    public boolean addHostPool(HostToken hostToken, HostConnectionPool<CL> hostPool) {

        HostConnectionPool<CL> prevPool = tokenPools.put(hostToken.getToken(), hostPool);
        if (prevPool == null) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;


上面程式碼使用到了 BinarySearchTokenMapper,所以我們再看看。


public class BinarySearchTokenMapper implements HashPartitioner {

    private final HashPartitioner partitioner;

    private final AtomicReference<DynoBinarySearch<Long>> binarySearch = new AtomicReference<DynoBinarySearch<Long>>(null);
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<Long, HostToken> tokenMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, HostToken>();

    public HostToken getToken(Long keyHash) {
        Long token = binarySearch.get().getTokenOwner(keyHash);
        return tokenMap.get(token);

    public void initSearchMechanism(Collection<HostToken> hostTokens) {
        for (HostToken hostToken : hostTokens) {
            tokenMap.put(hostToken.getToken(), hostToken);

    public void addHostToken(HostToken hostToken) {
        HostToken prevToken = tokenMap.putIfAbsent(hostToken.getToken(), hostToken);
        if (prevToken == null) {

    private void initBinarySearch() {
        List<Long> tokens = new ArrayList<Long>(tokenMap.keySet());
        binarySearch.set(new DynoBinarySearch<Long>(tokens));

Token Aware 策略如下,就是一個 map,依據 token 做 key,來選擇 Pool:

                        |HostSelectionWithFallback |
                       |                             |
                       v                             v
             +---------+------------+    +-----------+------------+
             | RoundRobinSelection  |    |   TokenAwareSelection  |
             |                      |    |                        |
             |                      |    |                        |
             |    circularList      |    |    ConcurrentHashMap   |
             |         +            |    |       +                |
             |         |            |    |       |                |
             +----------------------+    +------------------------+
                       |                         |
                       |                         |
                       v                         |     +-------------------+
                                                 |     | [token 1 : Pool 1]|
+--> Pool1, Pool2, Pool3,..., Pooln +----+       |     |                   |
|                                        |       +---> | [token 2 : Pool 2]|
|                                        |             |                   |
+----------------------------------------+             |      ......       |
                                                       |                   |
                                                       | [token 3 : Pool 3]|

0x05 壓縮



5.1 壓縮方式


enum CompressionStrategy {
         * Disables compression

         * Compresses values that exceed {@link #getValueCompressionThreshold()}

5.2 壓縮實現


import java.util.zip.GZIPInputStream;
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;


private abstract class CompressionValueOperation<T> extends BaseKeyOperation<T>
            implements CompressionOperation<Jedis, T> {

        public String compressValue(String value, ConnectionContext ctx) {
            String result = value;
            int thresholdBytes = connPool.getConfiguration().getValueCompressionThreshold();

            try {
                // prefer speed over accuracy here so rather than using
                // getBytes() to get the actual size
                // just estimate using 2 bytes per character
                if ((2 * value.length()) > thresholdBytes) {
                    result = ZipUtils.compressStringToBase64String(value);
                    ctx.setMetadata("compression", true);

            return result;

        public String decompressValue(String value, ConnectionContext ctx) {
            try {
                if (ZipUtils.isCompressed(value)) {
                    ctx.setMetadata("decompression", true);
                    return ZipUtils.decompressFromBase64String(value);

            return value;


5.3 使用


public OperationResult<Map<String, String>> d_hgetAll(final String key) {
        if (CompressionStrategy.NONE == connPool.getConfiguration().getCompressionStrategy()) {
            return connPool.executeWithFailover(new BaseKeyOperation<Map<String, String>>(key, OpName.HGETALL) {
                public Map<String, String> execute(Jedis client, ConnectionContext state) throws DynoException {
                    return client.hgetAll(key);
        } else {
            return connPool
                    .executeWithFailover(new CompressionValueOperation<Map<String, String>>(key, OpName.HGETALL) {
                        public Map<String, String> execute(final Jedis client, final ConnectionContext state) {
                            return CollectionUtils.transform(client.hgetAll(key),
                                    new CollectionUtils.MapEntryTransform<String, String, String>() {
                                        public String get(String key, String val) {
                                            return decompressValue(val, state);

0x06 總結

至此,DynoJedisClient 初步分析完畢,我們看到了 DynoJedisClient 是如何應對各種複雜資訊,比如:

  • 如何維護連線,為持久連線提供連線池;
  • 如何維護拓撲;
  • 如何負載均衡;
  • 如何故障轉移;
  • 如何自動重試及發現,比如自動重試掛掉的主機。自動發現叢集中的其他主機。
  • 如何監控底層機架狀態;

我們接下來引出 基於 DynoJedisClient 的 分散式延遲佇列 Dyno-queues ,看看它是如何實現的。

0xFF 參考


Cassandra JAVA客戶端是如何做到高效能高併發的




