2021 New Year‘s Resolution


前言:按 Frank 留下的傳統,每年都應該用英文寫一篇 New Year’s Resolution。很巧的是,我似乎知道去年必定會因各種糟事而一事無成,所以去年沒有寫;當然實際上是因為懶。值此特殊年份,又恰逢去年沒寫,所以今年這個傳統我一定要延續。慚愧的是,本人英語水平已經並且還將繼續經歷斷崖式下降,故敬請諒解其中語言的不順;當然中文水平也好不到哪裡去,也請不要在意這前言寫得如何如何了。

Be a warrior, not a soldier

--- 2021 New Year's Resolution

  When referring to a soldier, besides his sacredness, we consider more the disciplines and his dedication. General Napoleon said, “a soldier who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier”. How many folks could be a general though? So I’d say that a soldier who wants to be a warrior may be a good soldier.

  What do I mean by a warrior? The first glimpse of a warrior may be about bravery and capability that distinguish himself from a soldier at least. More crucial, a warrior lives on his capability of being decisive — slightly deflected from disciplines, and of shouldering the aftermaths. For this aspect, a warrior is not a general maybe, but a general is a warrior, however, a partial one…

  I’m always regrading that one is expected to finish his target even if he did it kneeling down, from which the importance of being a warrior emerges. Since we have made through to today’s stage, only can we go on, without unnecessary retrospects if possible.

  Different from that in 2019 (if my memory severs me well), in this resolution there won’t be things about the future, because of the amount of uncertainty. The only thing I’d like to tip myself is that we need to just be up-to-date, or we are abandoned finally.

  Less words don’t mean less information, taste the bittersweet on your own, warrior! Time to conclude the solution yourself.

  And it’s a chance to catch my flow, me in the future.

UnnamedOrange, a.k.a. Orange Lee

Jan. 1st, 2021
