題目 1、類的定義與基本操作
class Fraction {
int m_numerator = 0; // 分子預設為0; C++11
int m_denominator = 1; //分母預設為1;
Fraction(int above = 0, int below = 1) :
m_numerator(above), m_denominator(below) {
cout << "Constructor called" << endl;
Fraction(const Fraction& rhs) : m_numerator(rhs.m_numerator), \
m_denominator(rhs.m_denominator) {
cout << "Copy constructor called" << endl;
Fraction divide1(const Fraction& divident, const Fraction& divisor) {
return Fraction(divident.getnumerator() * divisor.getdenominator(), \
divident.getdenominator() * divisor.getnumerator());
Fraction divide2(Fraction divident, Fraction divisor) {
Fraction result(divident.getnumerator() * divisor.getdenominator(), \
divident.getdenominator() * divisor.getnumerator());
return result;
Fraction a;執行預設建構函式,輸出 Constructor called
Fraction b(a);b為物件a的副本,執行復制建構函式,輸出 Copy constructor called
Fraction c = Fraction(3, 2);複製初始化,先構造一個臨時物件,然後將這個臨時物件以複製構造的方式來初始化物件c,輸出 Constructor called Copy constructor called
c++編譯器使用優化技術,直接初始化方式完成這一操作, 實際輸出為Constructor called
Fraction d1(2, 3), d2(4, 5);直接初始化兩個物件d1,d2,執行兩次建構函式
輸出Constructor called Constructor called
Fraction e1 = divide1(d1, d2);執行divide1函式返回一個臨時物件,執行復制建構函式對e1進行賦值
輸出 Copy constructor called
Fraction e2 = divide2(d1, d2);執行divide2函式返回一個臨時物件,執行復制建構函式對e2進行賦值
輸出 Copy constructor called
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Fraction {
int m_numerator = 0; // 分子預設為0;
int m_denominator = 1; //分母預設為1;
Fraction(int above = 0, int below = 1) :
m_numerator(above), m_denominator(below) {
cout << "Constructor called" << endl;
Fraction(const Fraction& rhs) : m_numerator(rhs.m_numerator), \
m_denominator(rhs.m_denominator) {
cout << "Copy constructor called" << endl;
~Fraction() {
cout << "Detructor of Fraction";
int getnumerator()const { return m_numerator; }//獲取分子
int getdenominator() const { return m_denominator; }//獲取分母
int gcd(int x, int y) {
if (y != 0)
return reduce(y, x % y);
else return x;
double reduce(int x, int y) {
int i = gcd(m_numerator, m_denominator);
double n = m_numerator / i;
double d = m_denominator / i;
double result = n / d;
return result;
Fraction tf(Fraction x, Fraction y)
int i = x.m_denominator * y.m_denominator;
int o = x.m_numerator * y.m_denominator;
int p = y.m_numerator * x.m_denominator;
x.m_numerator = o;
x.m_denominator = i;
y.m_denominator = i;
y.m_numerator = p;
return x, y;
Fraction operator/(const Fraction& x, const Fraction& y)
return Fraction(x.m_numerator * y.m_denominator, x.m_denominator * y.m_numerator);
Fraction divide1(const Fraction& divident, const Fraction& divisor) {
return Fraction(divident.getnumerator() * divisor.getdenominator(), \
divident.getdenominator() * divisor.getnumerator());
Fraction divide2(Fraction divident, Fraction divisor) {
Fraction result(divident.getnumerator() * divisor.getdenominator(), \
divident.getdenominator() * divisor.getnumerator());
return result;
int main() {
Fraction a;
Fraction b(a);
Fraction c = Fraction(3, 2);
Fraction d1(2, 3), d2(4, 5);
Fraction e1 = divide1(d1, d2);
Fraction e2 = divide2(d1, d2);
return 0;
題目 2、陣列與函式的綜合應用
已知:int a[5] = { 19,67,24,11,17 }, b[5] = { 2,3,9,17,59 };
- 編寫順序查詢法函式和折半查詢法函式,分別在陣列a和陣列b中查詢元素17所在的下標
並輸出。 - 編寫判斷素數函式和排序函式,並對容器c中的結果進行輸出。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int sx(int x[5]) {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
if (x[i] == 17)return i;
int zb(int x[5])
int i = 0, j = 4, h;
h = (i + j) / 2;
if (x[h] == 17) return h;
if (x[h] > 17)
j = h - 1;
if (x[j] == 17)return j;
else { return i; }
if (x[h] < 17)
i = h + 1;
if(x[i] == 17)return i;
else { return j; }
int px(int x[5]) {
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 5 - i; j++)
if (x[j + 1] < x[j])
int t = x[j + 1];
x[j + 1] = x[j];
x[j] = t;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
v[i] += x[i];
return x[5];
int sh(int x)
int m = sqrt(x);
for (int i = 2; i <= m; i++)
if (x % i != 0)return x;
else { break; }
int main() {
vector <int> c;
int a[5] = { 19,67,24,11,17 }, b[5] = { 2,3,9,17,59 };
cout << sx(a) << endl;
cout<< zb(b) << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
if (sh(a[i]) != 0) { c.push_back(a[i]); }
if (sh(b[i]) != 0&&b[i]!=a[i]) { c.push_back(b[i]); }
for(int i = 0; i <= size(c) - 1; i++)
for(int j=0;j<
return 0;
題目 3、類的定義與基本操作
class Point {
double m_x = 0, m_y = 0;
Point(double x=0, double y=0) : m_x(x), m_y(y) {
cout << “Constructor of Point” << endl;
Point(const Point &p) :m_x(p.m_x), m_y(p.m_y) {
cout << “Copy constructor of Point” << endl;
~Point() {
cout << “Destructor of Point” << endl;
class Circle {
Point m_center; double m_radius = 1.0;
Circle(double r=1, const Point &p=Point()) :m_center§, m_radius® {
cout << “Constructor of Circle” << endl;
~Circle() {
cout << “Destructor of Circle” << endl;
int main()
Circle a(2, Point(1, 1));
cout << “end” << endl;
return 0;
- 說明上述程式執行流程和輸出結果;
- 在Point類中完善獲取點的橫座標、獲取點的縱座標成員函式,並在主函式中測試;
- 通過友元函式實現平面上任意兩個點的距離計算輔助函式;
- 在Circle類中完善圓的面積計算與圓的周長計算成員函式,並在主函式中測試;
輸出:Constructor of Point
Copy constructor of Point
Constructor of Circle
Destructor of Point
Destructor of Circle
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Point {
double m_x = 0, m_y = 0;
Point(double x = 0, double y = 0) : m_x(x), m_y(y) {
cout << "Constructor of Point" << endl;
Point(const Point& p) :m_x(p.m_x), m_y(p.m_y) {
cout << "Copy constructor of Point" << endl;
~Point() {
cout << "Destructor of Point" << endl;
double getpointx() { return m_x;}
double getpointy() { return m_y; }
friend double len(const Point&a,const Point&b )
class Circle {
Point m_center; double m_radius = 1.0;
Circle(double r = 1, const Point& p = Point()) :m_center(p), m_radius(r) {
cout << "Constructor of Circle" << endl;
~Circle() {
cout << "Destructor of Circle" << endl;
double len(const Point& a, const Point& b)
double s = a.m_x - b.m_x, m = a.m_y - b.m_y;
double length = sqrt(s * s + m * m);
return length;
int main()
Circle a(2, Point(1, 1));
cout << "end" << endl;
Point b(5, 7);
cout << b.getpointx() << endl << b.getpointy();
return 0;
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