包常用命令總結:python版本查詢不同包版本+setup.py 持續更新
dl) root@71c765155807:/# pip search dlib
dlib (19.21.1) - A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications
dlib-compiled (19.16.99) - A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications
dlib-binary (19.21.99) - A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications
ISO8583-Dlib (0.1.8) - Parser String to JSON for ISO8583 Package
friday-dlib (19.7.0) - A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications
dlib-bin (19.21.0) - A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications
pyfacy-dlib-models (0.0.4) - Models used by the pyfacy package.
bob.ip.dlib (1.0.9) - Bob interface for dlib functions
face-recognize (0.2.0) - face recognize with dlib and arcsoft toolkit
gfsopt (1.1.0) - Scaffolding for the Global Function Search optimizer from Dlib
igeDlibExtern (0.0.1) - C++ extension Dlib Extern for 3D and 2D games.
Pyfaces (0.3.0) - A package to ease face recognition tasks using Dlib
Naun (0.0.7) - This package implements video, and picture recognition using dlib and face_recognition.
face-parser (0.0.5) - A small package to turn dlib's facial landmarks into more interesting values
conda search dlib
pip search dlib
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