The number of method references in a .dex file cannot exceed 64K.
在build.gradle defaultConfig中加入
multiDexEnabled true
- ORA-00059:maximum number of DB_FILES exceed 解決
- [20210315]ORA-04000 the sum of PCTUSED and PCTFREE cannot exceed 100.txt
- Non-static method Redis::hSet () cannot be called staticallyRedis
- cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryIBMMySqlclientObject
- ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryImportErrorObject
- cannot find trajectory file at ./examples/trajectory.txt
- iis 0x80070032 Cannot read configuration file because it exceeds the maximum file size
- ulimit: core file size: cannot modify limit: Operation not permittedMIT
- No virtual method setOutputFile Ljava/io/File V in class Landroid/media/MediaRecorderJavaAndroid
- 解決 Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reachedErrorMIT
- python cannot open shared object filePythonObject
- oracle ORA-01157: cannot identify/lock data file 64OracleIDE
- 呼叫torchtext報錯OSError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryErrorObject
- 原創:java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Bad version number in .class fileJavaError
- cannot use '/dev/da1': must be a block device or regular filedevBloC
- tar (child): bzip2: Cannot exec: No such file or directory 報錯
- OPatch cannot find a valid oraInst.loc file to locate Central InventoryAI
- Non-static method 'save(java.long.Object)' cannot be referenced from a static context.JavaObjectContext
- cannot open shared object file解決方案DartObject
- 【問題處理】ORA-00376 file xx cannot be read at this time
- inplace-abn 報錯解決: ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or dirImportErrorDartObject
- Warning: Variable 'a' cannot be saved to a MAT-file whose version is older than 7.3.
- sqlserver bulk insert報錯Cannot bulk load because the file could not be opened.SQLServer
- [20200416]ORA-01187 cannot read from file because it failed verification tests.AI
- Nginx安裝啟動過程報錯 cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryNginxObject
- Only variable references should be returned by reference
- MogDB 安裝解壓錯誤:cannot run bzip2: No such file or directory
- Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at file_path:line)HeaderORM
- CentOS7提示 cannot open shared object fileCentOSObject
- JDK 載入jar中的檔案資源出現Cannot be resolved to absolute file path because it does not reside in the file systemJDKJARIDE
- All mirror URLs are not using ftp, http[s] or file. Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: baseFTPHTTP
- mongodb錯誤解決辦法-bash: ./mongod: cannot execute binary file: Exec format errorMongoDBORMError
- Numerical Results of RhDYas CG method and RhLHas CG method
- ./XXX.XX: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: NoErrorWhileObject
- linux系統中安裝jdk出現bash: ./java: cannot execute binary file 問題LinuxJDKJava
- Kernel Method
- Swizzling Method
- Greedy Method