Springboot中配置動態sql查詢出現的錯誤syntax error, expect ‘)‘
syntax error, expect ')'
<insert id="insertEmploy" parameterType="com.example.springboot06mybatis.bean.Employee">
insert into employee
<trim prefix="(" suffixOverrides="," suffix=")">
<if test="emp_lastName != null">
<if test="email != null">
<if test="gender != null">
<if test="dId != null">
<trim prefix="values=(" suffixOverrides="," suffix=")">
<if test="emp_lastName != null">
<if test="email != null">
<if test="gender != null">
<if test="dId != null">
<trim prefix="values=(" suffixOverrides="," suffix=")">
<trim prefix="values(" suffixOverrides="," suffix=")">
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