在vue專案中 使用driver.js來進行頁面分步引導
- 突出顯示頁面上的任何任何專案
- 鎖定使用者互動
- 建立功能介紹
- 為使用者新增聚焦器
- 高度可定製 – 可在任何地方使用,可覆蓋
- 介面友好 – 可通過按鍵控制
- 輕量級 – gzip 壓縮後只有約4kb
- 在所有主流瀏覽器中保持一致的行為
- 免費用於個人和商業用途
無論你喜歡哪種方式,你都可以使用 yarn 或 npm 進行安裝。
yarn add driver.js
npm install driver.js
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/dist/driver.min.css">
<script src="/dist/driver.min.js"></script>
在vue專案中安裝 driver.js
npm install driver.js
import Driver from "driver.js" // import driver.js
import "driver.js/dist/driver.min.css" // import driver.js css
import steps from "../vendor/guide"
export default {
name: "Guide",
data () {
return {
driver: null
mounted () {
this.driver = new Driver({
className: "scoped-class", // className to wrap driver.js popover
animate: true, // Animate while changing highlighted element
opacity: 0.75, // Background opacity (0 means only popovers and without overlay)
padding: 10, // Distance of element from around the edges
allowClose: true, // Whether clicking on overlay should close or not
overlayClickNext: false, // Should it move to next step on overlay click
doneBtnText: "完成", // Text on the final button
closeBtnText: "關閉", // Text on the close button for this step
nextBtnText: "下一步", // Next button text for this step
prevBtnText: "上一步" // Previous button text for this step
// Called when moving to next step on any step
// this.driver = new Driver()
methods: {
guide () {
const steps = [
element: "#guide-menu",
popover: {
title: "選單導航",
description: "點選選單可切換右側選單內容",
position: "right"
element: ".collapse-box",
popover: {
title: "漢堡包",
description: "點選收縮和展開選單導航",
position: "bottom"
padding: 5
element: "#guide-breadcrumb",
popover: {
title: "麵包屑導航",
description: "用於顯示 當前導航選單的位置",
position: "bottom"
element: ".user-content",
popover: {
title: "個人中心",
description: "點選可操作",
position: "left"
element: "#tagsView",
popover: {
title: "最近開啟任務",
description: "最近開啟任務選單,點選可快速切換",
position: "bottom"
export default steps
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