vue driver.js頁面分步引導
<div class="app-container">
{{ $t('guide.description') }}
<a href="" target="_blank">driver.js.</a>
<el-button icon="el-icon-question" type="primary" @click.prevent.stop="guide">
{{ $t('guide.button') }}
import Driver from 'driver.js' // import driver.js
import 'driver.js/dist/driver.min.css' // import driver.js css
import steps from './steps'
export default {
name: 'Guide',
data() {
return {
driver: null
mounted() {
// this.driver = new Driver({
// doneBtnText: "完成", //結束按鈕的文字
// stageBackground: "#ffffff", 突出顯示元素的背景顏色
// nextBtnText: "下一步", //下一步按鈕的文字
// prevBtnText: "上一步", //上一步按鈕的文字
// closeBtnText: "關閉" //關閉按鈕的文字
// onHighlightStarted:(Element)=> {},//元素即將突出顯示時呼叫
// onHighlighted:(Element)=> {},//元素完全突出顯示時呼叫
// onDeselected:(Element)=> {},//取消選擇元素時呼叫
// onReset:(Element)=> {},//當要清除疊加時呼叫
// onNext:(Element)=> {},//在任何步驟中移動到下一步時呼叫
// onPrevious :( Element)=> {},//在任何步驟中移動到上一步時呼叫
// });
this.driver = new Driver()
methods: {
guide() {
const steps = [
element: '#hamburger-container',
popover: {
title: 'Hamburger',
description: 'Open && Close sidebar',
position: 'bottom'
element: '#breadcrumb-container',
popover: {
title: 'Breadcrumb',
description: 'Indicate the current page location',
position: 'bottom'
element: '#header-search',
popover: {
title: 'Page Search',
description: 'Page search, quick navigation',
position: 'left'
element: '#screenfull',
popover: {
title: 'Screenfull',
description: 'Set the page into fullscreen',
position: 'left'
element: '#size-select',
popover: {
title: 'Switch Size',
description: 'Switch the system size',
position: 'left'
element: '#tags-view-container',
popover: {
title: 'Tags view',
description: 'The history of the page you visited',
position: 'bottom'
padding: 0
export default steps
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