SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹


This step-by-step document mainly follows the guide mentioned in  SAP help:

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

(1) Create custom condition table via Sales and Distribution->Basic Functions->Cross Selling->Define determination procedure for cross selling->Create Condition Tables:

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

For my requirement, I would simply would like to make new material determined by existing material entered in Sales order line item plus customer as sold to party, so I only choose two fields: Customer and Material.

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

Use 503 as condition table ID and generate it. Write down the name of this condition table: KOTD503 for later usage.

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

(2) Create a new Access sequence Z001, and assign the condition table created previously to it.

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹 SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

(3) Create a new condition type ZS01 and assign the access sequence created in step two to it.

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

(4) Create a new determination procedure ZS0001 based on Usage D ( Material Determination ), Application VS (Cross Selling) and assign the condition type ZS01 created in previous step to it.

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹 SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

(5) Define customer procedure for cross selling:

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

B for Cross selling:

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

And assign it to Sales document type OR:

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

(6) Create a new Cross Selling profile Z00001, and assign the cross selling procedure created in step 4 to it.

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

Assign this profile to a given combination of Sales Organization, Distribution Channel and Division, plus Cross selling procedure as below.

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

(7) Create Cross selling condition record via menu path: Sales and Distribution->Master Data->Products->Cross Selling

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

Use the condition type created in step 3, ZS01:

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

Suppose I have three products with ID 11, 13 and 14. When 11 is entered in Sales Order line item, I would like that 13 and 14 are automatically determined for cross-selling purpose.

As a result I maintain the following condition record for material 11 as base:

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

Now it’s ready for test. Create a Sales order with type OR, maintain 11 as line item and press enter key, another two materials 13 and 14 are determined and displayed in popup as expected.

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

Set a breakpoint on condition determination entry point function moduleSD_COND_ACCESS to observe how they are determined. Based on the passed application VS ( cross selling ), ZS01(condition type) and sales area data,

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

the condition records maintained via conditiona table KOTD503(created in step 1) are retrieved.

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

Alternatively you can also switch on material determination trace for observation purpose.

SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹


SAP S/4HANA Cross Selling機制介紹

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