SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析


You can choose to let the system determine the product ID automatically according to number range or you can choose to assign the product ID manually. a. If you would like to go with the number range way for all new products belonging to product category MAT_:

(1) try with this customizing:

SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析

click maintain Groups:

SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析

Create a new group:

SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析

maintain the from and to number for the new group:

SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析

in case there are already other groups in the system, please ensure the number settings of your new group does not overlap with existing ones.

SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析

(2) go back to group overview page, select the product category MAT_, click button “Assign element group”:

SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析

select your new group and click enter key:

SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析

now the product category MAT_ is put under your new group:

SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析

(3) test in UI by creating a new product:

SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析

after you maintain MAT_ as product category, you observe that the product ID is automatically generate with number range settings you have just maintained:

SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析

If you would like to manually maintain the product ID yourself: just move the MAT_ back to group “Non-Assigned Elements”:

SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析

Now you could maintain the product id yourself in UI:

SAP CRM note建立按鈕被禁用的原因分析

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