Go 語言推薦使用簡寫來命名變數,以下是常見的對照表:
縮寫 | 對應名稱 |
var a int |
// array |
var arg []string |
// argument |
var b []byte |
// buffer |
var b byte |
// byte |
var bs bytes |
// bytes |
var buf []byte |
// buffer |
var c int |
// capacity |
var c int |
// character |
var dst int |
// destination |
var err error |
// error value |
var fv string |
// flag value |
var i int |
// index |
var l int |
// length |
var m int |
// another number |
var msg string |
// message |
var n int |
// number or number of |
var num int |
// number |
var off int |
// offset |
var op int |
// operation |
var parsed bool |
// parsed ok? |
var pkg string |
// package |
var pos int |
// position |
var r rune |
// rune |
var r io.Reader |
// reader |
var s string |
// string |
var seen bool |
// has seen? |
var sep string |
// separator |
var src int |
// source |
var str string |
// string |
var v string |
// value |
var val string |
// value |
var w io.Writer |
// writer |
除此之外,github.com/BluntSporks/abbreviatio... 這個專案的 Readme 也提供一些例子供參考:
- abbrev = abbreviate, abbreviation
- abs = absolute
- acc = accuracy, accurate, account
- accum = accumulate, accumulation, accumulator
- act = actual
- addr = address
- aggr = aggregate, aggregation
- alg = algebra
- algo = algorithm
- alloc = allocate, allocation
- amp = ampersand
- anc = ancestor
- ans = answer
- apos = apostrophe
- approx = approximate, approximation
- arch = architect, architecture
- arg = argument
- asc = ascending
- assoc = associative, associate
- attr = attribute
- auth = authenticate, authentication, authorize, authorization
- avg = average
- bin = binary, binomial
- biz = business
- bool = boolean
- buf = buffer
- cal = calendar
- calc = calculate, calculation, calculator, calculus
- cap = capitalize, capitalization, capacity
- ceil = ceiling
- cert = certify, certificate, certification
- chan = channel
- char = character
- coef = coefficient
- col = column
- coll = collect, collection
- comb = combine, combination
- comp = compare, comparison, compensate, compensation
- cond = condition
- config = configure, configuration
- conn = connect, connection, connector
- cont = continue, continuation, contain, container
- conv = convert, conversion
- cop = complex
- corr = correlate, correlation
- covar = covariance
- crypt = cryptography, cryptology, cryptanalysis, cryptosystem
- cur = current
- cust = customer
- dec = decimal, decrement, decode, decrypt
- decl = declare, declaration
- def = define, definition
- deg = degree
- del = delete, deletion
- delim = delimiter
- den = denomination, denominator
- dep = depend, dependent
- dept = department
- desc = descendant, descending, describe, description
- deser = deserialize, deserialization
- dest = destination
- det = determinant
- dev = deviate, deviation, develop, development
- diag = diagonal, diagnosis, diagnostic
- diam = diameter
- dic = dictionary
- diff = difference
- dig = digest
- dim = dimension
- dir = directory, directive, direct, direction
- disc = discriminant
- dist = distribute, distribution, distributor, distance
- div = divide
- doc = document, documentation
- dom = domain
- dupe = duplicate, duplication
- elem = element
- empl = employee, employment
- enc = encode, encrypt
- enum = enumeration
- env = environment
- equiv = equivalent, equivalence
- err = error
- esc = escape
- est = estimate, estimation
- eval = evaluate, evaluation
- excl = exclude, exclusion, exclamation
- excp = except, exception
- exec = execute, execution
- exp = exponent, expect
- expr = express, expression
- ext = extend, extension, external
- fact = factorial
- fem = feminine
- fig = figure
- float = floating
- frac = fraction
- freq = frequent, frequency
- func = function
- gen = generate, generation, generator, general, generic
- geo = geography, geographic
- geom = geometric
- guar = guarantee
- har = harmonic
- hex = hexadecimal
- horiz = horizontal
- ident = identification, identifier
- imag = imaginary
- imm = immediate
- impl = implement, implementation
- inc = increment
- incl = include, inclusion
- ind = indirect, indicate, indication
- indep = independent
- inf = infinite, infinity
- info = information
- init = initial, initialize, initialization
- ins = insert, insertion
- inst = instance, instantiate, instruction
- int = integer, internal
- intc = intercept
- intf = interface
- inv = inverse
- iter = iterate, iteration, iterator
- kurt = kurtosis
- lang = language
- len = length
- lex = lexicon
- lib = library
- lim = limit, limitation
- lin = linear
- lit = literal
- loc = locate, location, locale
- log = logarithm
- low = lowercase
- mant = mantissa
- masc = masculine
- max = maximum
- med = medium, median
- mem = memory
- min = minimum, minute
- mod = modulo, modify, modification, module
- mul = multiply
- multi = multiple
- mut = mutate, mutation, mutable
- mutex = mutual exclusion
- nat = natural
- neg = negate, negation, negative
- net = network
- num = number, numeration, numerator
- obj = object
- oct = octal
- op = operate, operation, operator
- opt = option
- orig = original, originate, origination
- ovfl = overflow
- pal = palette
- par = parent
- para = paragraph
- param = parameter
- pat = pattern
- perf = perform, performance
- perim = perimeter
- perm = permutation, permanent
- perp = perpendicular
- phon = phonetic
- pic = picture
- pos = positive, position
- poss = possible, possibly
- prec = precise, precision
- pref = prefer, preference
- prep = prepare, preparation
- prev = previous
- pri = private, primary
- prio = priority, prioritize
- prob = probability
- proc = procedure, process
- prod = product
- prof = profile
- prog = program, progress
- proj = project
- pron = pronounce, pronunciation
- prop = proportion
- prot = protocol
- proto = prototype
- pub = public
- punc = punctuate, punctuation
- quad = quadratic
- ques = question
- quot = quotient
- rad = radian, radius, radical
- rand = random
- rec = recursive, record
- rect = rectangle
- recv = receive
- ref = reference
- reg = register, regular
- regexp = regular expression
- rel = relate, relation, relative
- rem = remainder, remove
- ren = rename
- rep = repeat, repetition
- repl = replace, replacement
- repo = repository
- repr = represent, representation, representative
- req = require, requirement
- res = resource, result, resolve, resolution
- resp = respond, response, responsive
- ret = return
- rev = reverse
- san = sanitize, sanitization
- sched = schedule
- sci = science, scientific
- sec = second, secondary, secure, security, section
- seg = segment
- sel = select, selection
- sem = semaphore
- sent = sentence
- sep = separate, separation, separator
- seq = sequence
- ser = serial, serialize, serialization, series
- sig = signal, signature
- sim = simulate, simulation
- sing = singular
- sock = socket
- spec = specify, specification, specific
- stat = statistic
- sub = subtract
- syll = syllable
- symm = symmetry
- sync = synchronized
- sys = system
- tan = tangent
- tech = technology
- temp = temporary
- term = terminate, termination, terminal
- thru = through
- tok = token, tokenize
- trig = trigonometry
- up = uppercase
- upd = update
- util = utility
- val = value, validate, validation
- var = variance, variable
- vec = vector
- ver = version, verify, verification
- vert = vertical
- vis = visible, visibility
- vol = volume
- win = window
- xfer = transfer
- xlat = translate, translation
- xmit = transmit
- xor = exclusive or
- xpar = transparent, transparency
- xpos = transpose, transposition
Not in combination
These are OK to use as whole words, or at the beginning or end of a camelcased word, but try not to use them in the middle of words due to their lack of vowels.
- cmd = command
- cmp = compare, comparison
- cnt = count
- ctl = control
- ctx = context
- cvt = convert
- dst = destination
- fld = field
- fmt = format
- fwd = forward
- hdl = handle
- hdr = header
- i18n = internationalization
- l10n = localization
- msg = message
- pkg = package
- ptr = pointer
- qry = query
- src = source
- srv = server
- std = standard
- stm = statement
- str = string
- tbl = table
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