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1.海康威視 優點:實時性強。多畫面執行流暢,缺點:會覆蓋在DOM最上方無法選中可能會導致樣式擠壓變形等樣式問題
2.[flv影片流]+[nodeServer] 優點:可配置性強 缺點:服務端大流量穩定性不確定
3.rtsp影片流(預設帶聲音播放) 優點:外掛穩定,可網頁除錯影片流; 缺點:需向後端傳送rtsp地址
輸入使用者名稱和密碼埠號 然後登入=》開始預覽即可開啟監控檢視了;是不是很簡單
[HCWebSDK3.3.0程式設計指南] (open.hikvision.com/fileserver/…)
rtsp://使用者名稱:密碼@IP:554/Streaming/Channels/101 使用者名稱和密碼
IP就是登陸攝像頭時候的IP 在瀏覽器直接輸入192.168.1.212回車可開啟該攝像頭的登入頁
二. 測試rtsp流是否可以播放 1.實現RTSP協議推流需要做的配置 1.1關閉螢石雲的接入 1.2調整影片編碼為H.264 2.安裝VLC播放器 在此下載 video mediaplay官網 即(VLC)
安裝完成之後 開啟VLC播放器
在VLC播放器中開啟網路串流 輸入rtsp地址
現在根據RTSP影片流 和 函式呼叫順序來寫程式碼進行實操:
<template> <hkVideo class="video-img1" :props-data="hkList.camera01" /> <hkVideo class="video-img1" :props-data="hkList.camera02" /> </template>
import hkVideo from "../hkvideo.vue"; export default { name: "videoBox", components: { hkVideo }, data() { return { // 方案1 hkList: { camera01: { szIP: "", //IP地址 szPort: "80", //埠號 szUsername: "admin", szPassword: "123456", iChannelID: 5,//通道ID loadingTime: "1000",// 多影片視窗睡眠載入時長。同時多個載入會卡死或不顯示 width: "420", height: "350", type: "camera01", id:"divPlugin1" }, camera02: { szIP: "", //IP地址 szPort: "80", //埠號 szUsername: "admin", szPassword: "123456", iChannelID: 1, loadingTime: "5000", width: "420", height: "350", type: "camera02", id:"divPlugin2" }, } } }, }
以上hkList配置中 注意 loadingTime 和 id;其中loadingTime 建議和上一個時間間隔4S以上,id是動態載入生成填充的DOM樹結構; 如果間隔時間不夠 或DOM的ID一樣 可能出現畫面載入不出來、畫面覆蓋重疊等情況;透過配置這2個引數可以避免 這樣多個攝像頭只需要 增加 hkList的配置項即可;
<template> <div style="position: relative;height: 100%;text-align: center;"> <div :id="newId" class="plugin"></div> </div> </template> <script> export default { name:'hkVideo', inheritAttrs: false, props:{ propsData:{ type: Object || Array, require:true } }, watch:{ propsData: { deep: true, immediate: true, handler(newVal, oldVal) { if(newVal){ this.camera152 = newVal this.newId = newVal.id; let t = newVal.loadingTime || 1000 setTimeout(() => { this.initS(); },t) }else{ this.camera152 = { szIP: "", //IP地址 szPort: "80", //埠號 szUsername: "admin", //使用者名稱 szPassword: "123456", //管理員密碼 iChannelID: 5, loadingTime: "3000", width: "800", height: "360", type: "camera01", id:"divPlugin1" } this.initS(); } } } }, data() { return { camera152:{}, newId:null }; }, mounted() { console.log('外掛下載地址:https://open.hikvision.com/download/5cda567cf47ae80dd41a54b3?type=10&id=4c945d18fa5f49638ce517ec32e24e24'); // this.initS(); }, methods: { // 銷燬外掛 解決視窗在其他頁面顯示可以在切換頁面時銷燬 回到當前頁時重新載入 destruction() { WebVideoCtrl.I_DestroyPlugin(); console.log("播放視窗外掛銷燬"); }, async initS() { let that = this; // 初始化 await WebVideoCtrl.I_InitPlugin({ bWndFull: true, //是否支援單視窗雙擊全屏,預設支援 true:支援 false:不支援 iWndowType: 1,// 畫面分割數 1 就是1*1 2就是2*2 cbSelWnd: function (xmlDoc) { //此屬性是視窗分割切換視窗時觸發 // that.clickStartRealPlay(); // console.log("當前選擇的視窗編號是1"); }, cbInitPluginComplete: function () { WebVideoCtrl.I_InsertOBJECTPlugin(that.newId).then( () => { // 檢查外掛是否最新 WebVideoCtrl.I_CheckPluginVersion().then((bFlag) => { if (bFlag) { let str = "檢測到新的外掛版本,雙擊開發包目錄裡的HCWebSDKPlugin.exe升級!"; that.$message.error(str); console.log(str); } }); }, () => { let str1 = "外掛初始化失敗,請確認是否已安裝外掛;如果未安裝,請雙擊開發包目錄裡的HCWebSDKPlugin.exe安裝!"; that.$message.error(str1); console.log(str1); } ); }, }); setTimeout(() => { let cw = Math.round(document.body.clientWidth/1920); let ch = Math.round(document.body.clientHeight/1080); let width = parseInt((this.camera152.width*cw),10); let height = parseInt((this.camera152.height*ch),10); if(height <= 200){ height = 200; } if(height <= 200){ height = 200; } let w1 = (window.innerWidth - document.getElementById(that.newId).offsetLeft) - 1500; let w2 = document.getElementById(that.newId).clientHeight; console.log('00000===>',width,height); // 對視窗大小重新規劃 WebVideoCtrl.I_Resize( width, height ); this.setVideoWindowResize(that.newId,width,height); this.clickLogin(); }, 2000); }, // 根據裝置寬高和windowchange設定視窗大小 setVideoWindowResize(pid,width,height){ document.getElementById(pid).style.width = width + 'px'; document.getElementById(pid).style.height = height + 'px'; }, // 登入 clickLogin() { let that = this; var szIP = this.camera152.szIP, szPort = this.camera152.szPort, szUsername = this.camera152.szUsername, szPassword = this.camera152.szPassword; const iRet = WebVideoCtrl.I_Login(szIP, 1, szPort, szUsername, szPassword, { timeout: 3000, success: function (xmlDoc) { setTimeout(function () { setTimeout(function() { that.getChannelInfo(); }, 1000); that.getDevicePort(); }, 10); }, error: function (err) { console.log("登入-err===>",err); }, }); if (iRet === -1) { console.log(this.szDeviceIdentify + " 已登入過!"); // 登入過直接進行預覽 this.clickStartRealPlay(); } }, // 獲取埠 getDevicePort() { var szDeviceIdentify = this.camera152.szIP; if (null == szDeviceIdentify) { return; } WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDevicePort(szDeviceIdentify).then((oPort) => { console.log("152獲取埠",oPort); }); }, // 獲取通道 async getChannelInfo() { let that = this; var szDeviceIdentify = this.camera152.szIP+'_'+this.camera152.szPort; if (null == szDeviceIdentify) { return; } console.log('szDeviceIdentify==============>',szDeviceIdentify); // 模擬通道 WebVideoCtrl.I_GetAnalogChannelInfo(szDeviceIdentify, { success: function (xmlDoc) { that.clickStartRealPlay(); }, error: function (oError) { console.log(szDeviceIdentify + "模擬通道", oError.errorCode, oError.errorMsg); } }); // 數字通道 WebVideoCtrl.I_GetDigitalChannelInfo(szDeviceIdentify, { success: function (xmlDoc) { that.clickStartRealPlay(); }, error: function (oError) { console.log(szDeviceIdentify + " 數字通道", oError.errorCode, oError.errorMsg); } }); }, // 開始預覽 clickStartRealPlay(iStreamType) { let that = this; var g_iWndIndex = 0; var oWndInfo = WebVideoCtrl.I_GetWindowStatus(g_iWndIndex) || null; var szDeviceIdentify = this.camera152.szIP+'_'+this.camera152.szPort, iChannelID = this.camera152.iChannelID,// 5=>4樓測試電子 2=>4樓前臺 1=>4樓後門 bZeroChannel = false; if ("undefined" === typeof iStreamType) { iStreamType = 1; } if (null == szDeviceIdentify) { return; } var startRealPlay = function () { WebVideoCtrl.I_StartRealPlay(szDeviceIdentify, { iStreamType: iStreamType, iChannelID: iChannelID, bZeroChannel: bZeroChannel, success: function () { WebVideoCtrl.I_Logout(szDeviceIdentify) console.log("開始預覽成功!"); }, error: function (oError) { // that.$message.error(szDeviceIdentify+"開始預覽失敗!"); console.log(szDeviceIdentify+"開始預覽失敗!"); }, }); }; if (oWndInfo != null) {// 已經在播放了,先停止 WebVideoCtrl.I_Stop({ success: function () { startRealPlay(); } }); } else { startRealPlay(); } }, // 停止預覽 clickStopRealPlay() { WebVideoCtrl.I_Stop({ success: function () { console.log("停止預覽成功!"); }, error: function (oError) { console.log(" 停止預覽失敗!"); }, }); }, loginOut(){ WebVideoCtrl.I_Logout(this.szDeviceIdentify); }, stopAllPlay(){ WebVideoCtrl.I_StopAllPlay(); }, breakDom(){ WebVideoCtrl.I_DestroyPlugin() }, viewReload(){ window.location.reload() }, }, beforeDestroy(){ this.loginOut(); this.stopAllPlay(); window.removeEventListener(this.viewReload); }, destroyed() { setTimeout(() => { this.breakDom(); },100) }, }; </script> <style scoped lang="less"> .plugin { height: 350px; width: 490px; margin-top: 10px; } </style>