singleflight 包原理解析
包主要是用來做併發控制,常見的比如防止 快取擊穿
快取擊穿:快取在某個時間點過期的時候,恰好在這個時間點對這個 Key 有大量的併發請求過來,這些請求發現快取過期一般都會從後端 DB 載入資料並回設到快取,這個時候大併發的請求可能會瞬間把後端 DB 壓垮。
package main
import (
var errorNotExist = errors.New("not exist")
func main() {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
data, err := getData("key")
if err != nil {
func getData(key string) (string, error) {
data, err := getDataFromCache(key)
if err == errorNotExist {
data, err = getDataFromDB(key)
if err != nil {
return "", err
//TOOD: set cache
} else if err != nil {
return "", err
return data, nil
func getDataFromCache(key string) (string, error) {
return "", errorNotExist
func getDataFromDB(key string) (string, error) {
log.Printf("get %s from database", key)
return "data", nil
其中通過 getData(key)
- 先嚐試從 cache 中獲取
- 如果 cache 中不存在就從 db 中獲取
我們模擬了 10 個併發請求,來同時呼叫 getData
2020/03/08 17:13:11 get key from database
2020/03/08 17:13:11 data
2020/03/08 17:13:11 get key from database
2020/03/08 17:13:11 data
2020/03/08 17:13:11 get key from database
2020/03/08 17:13:11 data
2020/03/08 17:13:11 get key from database
2020/03/08 17:13:11 data
2020/03/08 17:13:11 get key from database
2020/03/08 17:13:11 data
2020/03/08 17:13:11 get key from database
2020/03/08 17:13:11 data
2020/03/08 17:13:11 get key from database
2020/03/08 17:13:11 data
2020/03/08 17:13:11 get key from database
2020/03/08 17:13:11 data
2020/03/08 17:13:11 get key from database
2020/03/08 17:13:11 data
2020/03/08 17:13:11 get key from database
2020/03/08 17:13:11 data
可以看得到 10 個請求都是走的 db,因為 cache 中不存在該值,當我們利用上 singlefligth
包, getData
import ""
var g singleflight.Group
func getData(key string) (string, error) {
data, err := getDataFromCache(key)
if err == errorNotExist {
v, err, _ := g.Do(key, func() (interface{}, error) {
return getDataFromDB(key)
//set cache
if err != nil {
return "", err
//TOOD: set cache
data = v.(string)
} else if err != nil {
return "", err
return data, nil
執行結果如下,可以看得到只有一個請求進入的 db,其他的請求也正常返回了值,從而保護了後端 DB。
2020/03/08 17:18:16 get key from database
2020/03/08 17:18:16 data
2020/03/08 17:18:16 data
2020/03/08 17:18:16 data
2020/03/08 17:18:16 data
2020/03/08 17:18:16 data
2020/03/08 17:18:16 data
2020/03/08 17:18:16 data
2020/03/08 17:18:16 data
2020/03/08 17:18:16 data
2020/03/08 17:18:16 data
func (g *Group) Do(key string, fn func() (interface{}, error)) (v interface{}, err error, shared bool) {
func (g *Group) DoChan(key string, fn func() (interface{}, error)) <-chan Result {
//暫時未用到:設計Forget 控制key關聯的值是否失效,預設以上兩個方法只要fn方法執行完成後,內部維護的fn的值也刪除(即併發結束後就失效了)
func (g *Group) Forget(key string) {
程式碼也很簡單,我們開啟上看下,擷取了部分: singleflight/singleflight.go
package singleflight // import ""
import "sync"
// call is an in-flight or completed singleflight.Do call
type call struct {
wg sync.WaitGroup
// These fields are written once before the WaitGroup is done
// and are only read after the WaitGroup is done.
val interface{}
err error
// forgotten indicates whether Forget was called with this call's key
// while the call was still in flight.
// 用來標識fn方法執行完成之後結果是否立馬刪除還是保留在singleflight中
forgotten bool
// These fields are read and written with the singleflight
// mutex held before the WaitGroup is done, and are read but
// not written after the WaitGroup is done.
//dups 用來記錄fn方法執行的次數
dups int
chans []chan<- Result
// Group represents a class of work and forms a namespace in
// which units of work can be executed with duplicate suppression.
type Group struct {
mu sync.Mutex // protects m
m map[string]*call // lazily initialized
// Do executes and returns the results of the given function, making
// sure that only one execution is in-flight for a given key at a
// time. If a duplicate comes in, the duplicate caller waits for the
// original to complete and receives the same results.
// The return value shared indicates whether v was given to multiple callers.
func (g *Group) Do(key string, fn func() (interface{}, error)) (v interface{}, err error, shared bool) {
if g.m == nil {
g.m = make(map[string]*call)
//check map是否已經存在值
if c, ok := g.m[key]; ok {
return c.val, c.err, true
c := new(call)
g.m[key] = c
g.doCall(c, key, fn)
return c.val, c.err, c.dups > 0
// doCall handles the single call for a key.
func (g *Group) doCall(c *call, key string, fn func() (interface{}, error)) {
c.val, c.err = fn()
在 Do 方法中主要是通過 waitgroup 來控制的,主要流程如下:
- 在 Group 中設定了一個 map,如果 key 不存在,則例項化 call(用來儲存值資訊),並將 key=>call 的對應關係存入 map 中(通過 mutex 保證了併發安全)
- 如果已經在呼叫中則 key 已經存在 map,則 wg.Wait
- 在 fn 執行結束之後(在 doCall 方法中執行)執行 wg.Done
- 卡在第 2 步的方法得到執行,返回結果
其他的 DoChan 方法也是類似的邏輯,只是返回的是一個 chan。
文中用到的例項程式碼放在 github 上:
- 加微信實戰群請加微信(註明:實戰群):gocnio
- Singleflight(合併請求)
- [go語言]-深入理解singleflightGo
- Go 併發控制:singleflight 詳解Go
- 解析HOT原理
- DNS解析原理DNS
- Golang : cobra 包解析Golang
- golang如何使用指標靈活操作記憶體?unsafe包原理解析Golang指標記憶體
- 使用singleflight防止快取擊穿(Java)快取Java
- 十一. Go併發程式設計--singleflightGo程式設計
- Sentinel 原理-全解析
- Promise原理解析Promise
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- Flutter原理深度解析Flutter
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- gpfdist原理解析
- Java併發包5--同步工具CountDownLatch、CyclicBarrier、Semaphore的實現原理解析JavaCountDownLatch
- Volley的原理解析
- CTMediator 原理解析(三)
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