moving data between different releases of the Oracle database server, the following basic rules apply:
The Import utility and the database to which data is being imported (the target database) must be the same version.
The version of the Export utility must be equal to the lowest version of the source or target database.
For example, to create an export file for an import into a higher release database, use a version of the Export utility that is equal to the source database. Conversely, to create an export file for an import into a lower release database, use a version of the Export utility that is equal to the version of the target database. The following information is for specific versions:[@more@]
The Import utility and the database to which data is being imported (the target database) must be the same version.
The version of the Export utility must be equal to the lowest version of the source or target database.
For example, to create an export file for an import into a higher release database, use a version of the Export utility that is equal to the source database. Conversely, to create an export file for an import into a lower release database, use a version of the Export utility that is equal to the version of the target database. The following information is for specific versions:[@more@]
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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