Tekton Pipeline,是一個k8s native的pipeline, 任務跑在pod中,透過自定義CRD去管理任務與工作流等等,我看完tekton之後感覺是功能很強大,但是有點過度設計了,沒有drone的簡約大方靈活之感。 |
Tekton Pipelines的主要目標是單獨執行您的任務或作為管道的一部分執行。每個任務都在Kubernetes叢集上作為Pod執行,每個步驟都作為自己的容器。這點深得drone思想精髓,其實drone也有計劃將kubernetes作為任務執行引擎,只是沒有下文了。
A Task定義了需要執行的工作,例如以下是一個簡單的任務:
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Task metadata: name: echo-hello-world spec: steps: - name: echo image: ubuntu command: - echo args: - "hello world"
這steps是一系列由任務順序執行的 。這個steps內的配置幾乎與drone如出一轍,Task定義好並沒有被執行,建立TaskRun時才會執行。這是合理的,相當於是一個觸發
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: TaskRun metadata: name: echo-hello-world-task-run spec: taskRef: name: echo-hello-world trigger: type: manual kubectl apply -f < name-of-file.yaml >
檢視TaskRun kubectl get taskruns / echo-hello-world-task-run -o yaml
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: TaskRun metadata: creationTimestamp: 2018-12-11T15:49:13Z generation: 1 name: echo-hello-world-task-run namespace: default resourceVersion: "6706789" selfLink: /apis/tekton.dev/v1alpha1/namespaces/default/taskruns/echo-hello-world-task-run uid: 4e96e9c6-fd5c-11e8-9129-42010a8a0fdc spec: generation: 1 inputs: {} outputs: {} taskRef: name: echo-hello-world taskSpec: null trigger: type: manual status: conditions: - lastTransitionTime: 2018-12-11T15:50:09Z status: "True" type: Succeeded podName: echo-hello-world-task-run-pod-85ca51 startTime: 2018-12-11T15:49:39Z steps: - terminated: containerID: docker://fcfe4a004...6729d6d2ad53faff41 exitCode: 0 finishedAt: 2018-12-11T15:50:01Z reason: Completed startedAt: 2018-12-11T15:50:01Z - terminated: containerID: docker://fe86fc5f7...eb429697b44ce4a5b exitCode: 0 finishedAt: 2018-12-11T15:50:02Z reason: Completed startedAt: 2018-12-11T15:50:02Z
狀態Succeeded = True顯示任務已成功執行。
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: PipelineResource metadata: name: skaffold-git spec: type: git params: - name: revision value: master - name: url value:
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: PipelineResource metadata: name: skaffold-image-leeroy-web spec: type: image params: - name: url value: gcr.io//leeroy-web
以下是Task輸入和輸出。輸入資源是GitHub儲存庫,輸出是從該源生成的影像。任務 的引數支援模板化,因此任務的定義是常量,引數的值可以在執行時更改。
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Task metadata: name: build-docker-image-from-git-source spec: inputs: resources: - name: docker-source type: git params: - name: pathToDockerFile # 這些引數都是可以自定義的 description: The path to the dockerfile to build default: /workspace/docker-source/Dockerfile - name: pathToContext description: The build context used by Kaniko () default: /workspace/docker-source outputs: resources: - name: builtImage type: image steps: - name: build-and-push image: gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor # 特定功能的映象,可以用來docker build command: - /kaniko/executor args: - --dockerfile=${inputs.params.pathToDockerFile} # 這時原pathToDockerFile就是上面定義的引數 - --destination=${outputs.resources.builtImage.url} - --context=${inputs.params.pathToContext}
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: TaskRun metadata: name: build-docker-image-from-git-source-task-run spec: taskRef: name: build-docker-image-from-git-source trigger: type: manual inputs: resources: - name: docker-source resourceRef: name: skaffold-git params: # 執行時把引數傳給Task,這樣就不需要重複定義task,只需要增加input output 和taskrun 就可以跑一個別的工程, 從解耦這個角度到說比drone更好,任務流程可以複用 - name: pathToDockerFile value: Dockerfile - name: pathToContext value: /workspace/docker-source/examples/microservices/leeroy-web #configure: may change according to your source outputs: resources: - name: builtImage resourceRef: name: skaffold-image-leeroy-web # 這也是上面指定的資源
PS: inputs outputs應當不限制死必須叫這兩個名字,只要是能支援引數就好。比如定義一個叫build的資源去指定docker build的映象:
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: PipelineResource metadata: name: skaffold-image-leeroy-web spec: type: image params: - name: url value: docker-in-docker:latest
Task 裡:
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Task metadata: name: build-docker-image-from-git-source spec: build: resources: - name: build type: image params: - name: build-image default: docker-in-docker:latest steps: - name: build-and-push image: ${build.params.build-image}
我是覺得需要能進行這樣的擴充套件了, 僅是inputs outputs就狹義了
獲取pipeline全部資訊 kubectl get build-pipeline
NAME AGE taskruns/build-docker-image-from-git-source-task-run 30s NAME AGE pipelineresources/skaffold-git 6m pipelineresources/skaffold-image-leeroy-web 7m NAME AGE tasks/build-docker-image-from-git-source 7m
kubectl get taskruns / build-docker-image-from-git-source-task-run -o yaml
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: TaskRun metadata: creationTimestamp: 2018-12-11T18:14:29Z generation: 1 name: build-docker-image-from-git-source-task-run namespace: default resourceVersion: "6733537" selfLink: /apis/tekton.dev/v1alpha1/namespaces/default/taskruns/build-docker-image-from-git-source-task-run uid: 99d297fd-fd70-11e8-9129-42010a8a0fdc spec: generation: 1 inputs: params: - name: pathToDockerFile value: Dockerfile - name: pathToContext value: /workspace/git-source/examples/microservices/leeroy-web #configure: may change depending on your source resources: - name: git-source paths: null resourceRef: name: skaffold-git outputs: resources: - name: builtImage paths: null resourceRef: name: skaffold-image-leeroy-web taskRef: name: build-docker-image-from-git-source taskSpec: null trigger: type: manual status: conditions: - lastTransitionTime: 2018-12-11T18:15:09Z status: "True" type: Succeeded podName: build-docker-image-from-git-source-task-run-pod-24d414 startTime: 2018-12-11T18:14:29Z steps: - terminated: containerID: docker://138ce30c722eed....c830c9d9005a0542 exitCode: 0 finishedAt: 2018-12-11T18:14:47Z reason: Completed startedAt: 2018-12-11T18:14:47Z - terminated: containerID: docker://4a75136c029fb1....4c94b348d4f67744 exitCode: 0 finishedAt: 2018-12-11T18:14:48Z reason: Completed startedAt: 2018-12-11T18:14:48Z
型別的狀態Succeeded = True顯示Task已成功執行,您還可以驗證Docker映象是否生成。
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Pipeline metadata: name: tutorial-pipeline spec: resources: - name: source-repo type: git - name: web-image type: image tasks: - name: build-skaffold-web # 編譯與打映象任務,上面已經介紹過 taskRef: name: build-docker-image-from-git-source params: - name: pathToDockerFile value: Dockerfile - name: pathToContext value: /workspace/examples/microservices/leeroy-web #configure: may change according to your source resources: inputs: - name: workspace resource: source-repo outputs: - name: image resource: web-image - name: deploy-web # 部署 taskRef: name: deploy-using-kubectl # 這裡引入了一個透過k8s部署的Task,我們在下文看它是什麼 resources: inputs: # 定義輸入,這裡的輸入其實是上個任務的輸出 - name: workspace resource: source-repo - name: image # 比如這個映象,就是上個任務產生的 resource: web-image from: # from就如同管道一樣,把上個任務的輸出作為這個任務的輸入 - build-skaffold-web params: # 留意這些引數都是傳給Task模板的,覆蓋inputs裡的引數 - name: path value: /workspace/examples/microservices/leeroy-web/kubernetes/deployment.yaml #configure: may change according to your source - name: yqArg value: "-d1" - name: yamlPathToImage value: "spec.template.spec.containers[0].image"
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: Task metadata: name: deploy-using-kubectl spec: inputs: resources: - name: workspace type: git - name: image type: image params: - name: path description: Path to the manifest to apply - name: yqArg description: Okay this is a hack, but I didn't feel right hard-coding `-d1` down below - name: yamlPathToImage description: The path to the image to replace in the yaml manifest (arg to yq) steps: - name: replace-image # 第一步替換映象 image: mikefarah/yq # 特定功能的映象,和drone同理,這裡主要就是個模板渲染 command: ["yq"] args: - "w" - "-i" - "${inputs.params.yqArg}" - "${inputs.params.path}" - "${inputs.params.yamlPathToImage}" - "${inputs.resources.image.url}" - name: run-kubectl # 第二步執行kubectl image: lachlanevenson/k8s-kubectl command: ["kubectl"] args: - "apply" - "-f" - "${inputs.params.path}" # 這就是yaml檔案的位置
apiVersion: tekton.dev/v1alpha1 kind: PipelineRun metadata: name: tutorial-pipeline-run-1 spec: pipelineRef: name: tutorial-pipeline trigger: type: manual resources: - name: source-repo resourceRef: name: skaffold-git - name: web-image resourceRef: name: skaffold-image-leeroy-web
kubectl apply -f < name-of-file.yaml > kubectl獲取pipelineruns / tutorial-pipeline-run-1 -o yaml
可以把k8s叢集作為任務執行引擎,這樣可以更好的利用資源,比如把線上夜間閒置資源用來跑任務,構建映象 離線分析 甚至機器學習。解耦做的比較好,任務模板可以拿來複用,而不需要大家都去重複定義,輸入輸出理念,一個任務的輸入作為另個任務的輸出不錯。
有點過度設計,一些簡單的場景可能覺得配置起來有點繞了,輸入輸出依賴分散式系統,對比drone一個pipeline中的容器是共享了一個資料卷的,這樣上個任務產生的檔案很方便的給下個任務用,而基於叢集的任務就可能得依賴git docker映象倉庫等做輸入輸出,有點麻煩,好的解決辦法是利用k8s分佈試儲存給pipeline設定一個共享卷,方便任務間傳輸資料;總體來說路子是對的而且還是有很多場景可以用的。
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