伺服器:Redhat Enterprise Linux(核心版本 2.6.32-71.el6.i686 ),Tomcat6.0.16,Sun JDK 1.6,JProfiler 5.2.4 for linux(安裝包
客戶端:Windows XP,JProfiler5.2.4 for windows(安裝包:jprofiler_windows_5_2_4.exe)
3.客戶端 JProfiler 安裝(lincense key在附件中可以看到)
4.伺服器端 JProfiler 安裝:
把 上傳到到伺服器,假設路徑為 /usr/file/
# cd /usr/file
# chmod 777 *.sh
# ./ -c
按照提示來安裝,提示都很簡單,不在多說。安裝路徑選擇 /opt/jprofiler5
注意,這裡的 -c 意思是用字元方式來安裝,如果機器上沒有 X 則加上該引數.
1). 執行 JProfiler 。第一次開啟會有嚮導,忽略它。
2). 選擇 Session->Integration Wizard->New Remote Integratation
3). 選擇 On a remote computer;Platform of remote computer 選擇 Linux x86/AMD 64;Next
4). 輸入伺服器 IP ;Next
5). 輸入伺服器上的 jprofiler 的安裝路徑,如 /opt/jprofiler5 ;next
6). 選擇伺服器的 JDK 環境,這裡是:Sun,1.6.0,hotspot;next
7). 輸入埠:這裡是預設值 8849;next
8). 選擇啟動模式:這裡選第一種 wait for a connection from the jprofiler GUI;next
9). 這裡會列出需要在伺服器端做的配置:
Integration type: [Generic application]
Selected JVM: Sun 1.6.0 (hotspot)
Startup mode: Wait for JProfiler GUI
(1) Please insert
-agentlib:jprofilerti=port=8849 -Xbootclasspath/a:/opt/jprofiler5/bin/agent.jar
into the start command of your remote application right after the java command.
(2) Please add
to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
A remote session named Remote application on will be created that connects to a running instance of the remote application that is started with the modified start command.
(1)修改系統環境配置檔案 /etc/profile ,增加
(2)修改TOMCAT啟動檔案,新增-agentlib:jprofilerti=port=8849 -Xbootclasspath/a:/opt/jprofiler5/bin/agent.jar 內容到CATALINA_OPTS中;
“-agentlib:jprofilerti=port=8849 -Xbootclasspath/a:/opt/jprofiler4/bin/agent.jar ” 此內容由客戶端軟體生成
CATALINA_OPTS="$CATALINA_OPTS -agentlib:jprofilerti=port=8849 -Xbootclasspath/a:/opt/jprofiler4/bin/agent.jar"
7.Reboot Linux and startup Tomcat using;
The log of tomcat which is $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out will show:
JProfiler> Protocol version 23
JProfiler> Using JVMTI
JProfiler> 32-bit library
JProfiler> Listening on port: 8849.
JProfiler> Native library initialized
JProfiler> Waiting for a connection from the JProfiler GUI
點選jprofiler選單 session>start center>Open Session
Available session configurations中列出了剛才配置的連線,選中使用就OK了!!
9.The log of tomcat which is $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out will show:
JProfiler> Using dynamic instrumentation
JProfiler> Time measurement: elapsed time
JProfiler> CPU profiling enabled
JProfiler> Hotspot compiler enabled
JProfiler> Starting org/apache/catalina/startup/Bootstrap
The log of tomcat which is $CATALINA_HOME/logs/catalina.out will show:
JProfiler> Disconnected. Waiting for reconnection.
JProfiler> Listening on port: 8849.
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