gin-autorouter is a middleware which could automatic mapping request url to a handler method.
the project have two main functions:
- AutoRouter
- RouterAny
Basic Uage
package main type T struct{ } func (t *T)Greet(c *gin.Context) { c.Writer.WriteString("hello from *T.Greet") } func (t *T)Hello(c *gin.Context) { c.Writer.WriteString("hello from *T.Hello") } func main(){ r:=gin.Default() r.Any("/*path",router.AutoRouter(&T{})) r.Run(":8080") }
you only need to register a router with pattern "/*path"
view http://localhost:8080/greet, you could see "hello from *T.Greet"
view http://localhost:8080/hello, you will see "hello from *T.Hello"
RESTful Api
with AutoRouter, you can create restful api very easily.
package main func (h *Article) Get(c *gin.Context) { articleId := c.Param("id") // search artile stuff..... article := model.SearchArticle(articleId) c.JSONP(http.StatusOK,article) } func (h *Article)Delete(c *gin.Context) { articleId := c.Param("id") model.DeleteArticle(articleId) c.JSONP(http.StatusOK,"ok") } func main(){ r := gin.Default() r.Any("/article/:id",router.AutoRouter(&Article{})) } // * GET /article/123 => *Article.Get // * Delete /article/123 => *Article.Delete
also, you can use RouterAny, things will be extremely easy!!
package main func (h *Article)Get(c *gin.Context, id int) { fmt.Println("article:",id) // output: article: 123 article := model.SearchArticle(id) c.JSONP(http.StatusOK,article) } func (h *Article)Delete(c *gin.Context, id int) { fmt.Println("article:",id) // output: article: 123 model.DeleteArticle(id) c.JSONP(http.StatusOK,"ok") } func main(){ r:= gin.Default() r.Any("/*path",router.RouterAny(&Article{})) } // GET /article/123 => *Article.Get(c, 123) // DELETE /article/123 => *Article.Delete(c, 123)
Mapping Rules
the mapping is basic on *gin.Context.Param("path"). path will be exploded to several segments by '/'
- if path is empty, method is request http method
- the first segment is method
- others will be method arguments
- segments number MUST be equal or greater than method arguments number
- if method is variadic, the segments mapping to last argument could be zero
- otherwise, "404 not found" will be returned
some examples:
path | method | arguments(exclude *gin.Context) |
/ | REQUEST METHOD | nil |
/foo | foo | nil |
/foo/bar | foo | [bar] |
/foo/bar/123 | foo | [bar,123] |
the project is under MIT license protected which you can find in LICENSE file.
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