[20191224]集中管理Syslog Server資訊.txt
[20191224]集中管理Syslog Server資訊.txt
--//一直希望有一臺伺服器收集Syslog Server資訊,接收其他機器的syslog資訊,包括交換機以及路由器的logging資訊.
# cat /etc/issue | head -1
Oracle Linux Server release 5.9
# rpm -qa | grep sys | grep log
# rpm -ivh rsyslog-3.22.1-7.el5.x86_64.rpm
warning: rsyslog-3.22.1-7.el5.x86_64.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 1e5e0159
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:rsyslog ########################################### [100%]
# Provides UDP syslog reception
$ModLoad imudp
$InputUDPServerRun 514
# Provides TCP syslog reception
$ModLoad imtcp
$InputTCPServerRun 514
--//以上資訊最好在開始部分.注:我看一些文件是寫$ModLoad imudp.so ,最好看man rsyslog.conf
# This one is the template to generate the log filename dynamically, depending on the client's IP address.
$template FILENAME,"/var/log/rsyslog/%fromhost-ip%_syslog.log"
# Log all messages to the dynamically formed file. Now each clients log (,,etc...),
# will be under a separate directory which is formed by the template FILENAME.
*.* /dev/tty4
--//執行 tail -f /dev/vcs4就可以看到資訊輸出,當然這個有安全問題.你可以在需要時開啟.
--//缺點是不會重新整理,有什麼方法重新整理.只能watch cat /dev/vcs4.而且必須在COLUMNS=80列的情況下看才比較直觀,不然有點亂.
*.* /var/log/rsyslog/all.log
--//加入-x目的是disables DNS lookups on messages recieved with -r.
# cat /var/log/rsyslog/
Dec 24 17:25:49 xxxxxxx4 kernel: imklog 3.22.1, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
Dec 24 17:25:49 xxxxxxx4 rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="3.22.1" x-pid="13956" x-info="] (re)start
Dec 24 17:25:49 xxxxxxx4 rsyslogd: WARNING: rsyslogd is running in compatibility mode. Automatically generated config
directives may interfer with your rsyslog.conf settings. We suggest upgrading your config and adding -c3
as the first rsyslogd option.
Dec 24 17:25:49 xxxxxxx4 rsyslogd: Warning: backward compatibility layer added to following directive to rsyslog.conf: ModLoad imuxsock
# service syslog stop
Shutting down kernel logger: [ OK ]
Shutting down system logger: [ OK ]
# service rsyslog start
Starting system logger: [ OK ]
--//修改 /etc/syslog.conf檔案,加入:
*.* @
*.* @@
--//按照文件介紹: 單個@表示集中系統日誌伺服器和埠號的UDP、IP地址或主機名,也就是使用UDP埠.兩個@使用TCP埠.
# man rsyslog.conf
Remote machine
There are three ways to forward message: the traditional UDP transport, which is extremely lossy but standard,
the plain TCP based transport which loses messages only during certain situations but is widely available and the
transport which does not lose messages but is currently available only as part of rsyslogd 3.15.0 and above.
To forward messages to another host via UDP, prepend the hostname with the at sign ("@"). To forward it via
plain tcp, prepend two at signs ("@@"). To forward via RELP, prepend the string ":omrelp:" in front of the
*.* @
In the example above, messages are forwarded via UDP to the machine, the destination port defaults to
514. Due to the nature of UDP, you will probably lose some messages in transit. If you expect high traffic
you can expect to lose a quite noticeable number of messages (the higher the traffic, the more likely and severe
is message loss).
If you would like to prevent message loss, use RELP:
*.* :omrelp:
Note that a port number was given as there is no standard port for relp.
Keep in mind that you need to load the correct input and output plugins (see "Modules" above).
Please note that rsyslogd offers a variety of options in regarding to remote forwarding. For full details, please
see the html documentation.
/var/log/rsyslog/1*.log {
rotate 4
# /usr/sbin/logrotate -d /etc/logrotate.d/syslog
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2670388/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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