First, you need to download the legacy Samsung Printer Driver 2.6 for OS X - from apple website: Samsung Printer Drivers v2.6 for OS X
Mount the dmg
Copy .pkg file to your Desktop or something
Open terminal
run `pkgutil --expand ~/Desktop/SamsungPrinterDrivers.pkg new`
if you go to your home directory, you'll find a folder named `new` there.
Open it, there is a file named `Distribution` - right click it and open with Other -> Text Edit
Search for text (cmd+f) `system.compareVersions`. That's your OS version check: it wants minimum 10.6.1, maximum 11. Replace 11.0 with 15.0 (since the current MacOS version is 14) - or with whatever your MacOS version is + 1. I think you can really put any big number there.
There are two places in this file with this string where replacements need to be done.
Save the file
go back to your terminal
Run `pkgutil --flatten new ~/Desktop/SamsungPrinterDrivers1.pkg`
Voila. You got another .pkg file on your Desktop, and it should install without problems, just double click it.
This was tested on Monterey 12.7.2; confirmed the same driver version works with Sonoma.
安裝驅動時候選擇scx4500 系列就行了。
連結: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1_g3awOT02jkMj7GpTg-kDA?pwd=hppc