重新配置與解除安裝 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure
Oracle 11g R2 Grid Infrastructure 的安裝與配置較之前的版本提供了更多的靈活性。在Grid Infrastructure安裝完畢前執行root.sh經常容易出現錯誤,並且需要修復該錯誤才能得以繼續。在這個版本中我們可以直接通過執行指令碼rootcrs.pl來重新配置Grid Infrastructure而無需先解除安裝Grid Infrastructure,然後修復故障後進行再次安裝。下面描述了rootcrs.pl的用法以及使用deinstall徹底解除安裝Grid Infrastructure。
- #命令位置:$GRID_HOME/crs/install
- #命令說明:
- # 該命令主要是用於對crs進行維護與管理,包括patch,upgrade,downgrade,deconfig等等
- # perldoc rootcrs.pl執行這個命令獲得完整的介紹
- [root@linux1 install]# ./rootcrs.pl -h
- Unknown option: h
- Usage:
rootcrs.pl [-verbose] [-upgrade | -patch] [-hahome
] -
] - [-deconfig | -downgrade] [-force] [-lastnode]
[-downgrade] [-oldcrshome
] [-version ] -
[-unlock [-crshome
]] - Options:
- -verbose Run this script in verbose mode
- -upgrade Oracle HA is being upgraded from previous version
- -patch Oracle HA is being upgraded to a patch version
- -hahome Complete path of Oracle Clusterware home
- -paramfile Complete path of file specifying HA parameter values
- -lastnode Force the node this is executing on to be considered the
- last node of the install and perform actions associated
- with configurig the last node
- -downgrade Downgrade the clusterware
- -version For use with downgrade; special handling is required if
- downgrading to 9i. This is the old crs version in the format
- A.B.C.D.E (e.g
- -deconfig Remove Oracle Clusterware to allow it to be uninstalled or reinstalled.
- -force Force the executon of steps in delete that cannot be verified
- to be safe
- -unlock Unlock CRS home
- -crshome Complete path of crs home. Use with unlock option.
- -oldcrshome For use with downgrade. Complete path of the old crs home.
- If neither -upgrade nor -patch is supplied, a new install is performed
- To see the full manpage for this program, execute:
- perldoc rootcrs.pl
#對於執行root.sh失敗時,我們可以通過該命令以-deconfig 引數來清除crs的配置資訊,然後根據log修復故障或使用patch之後再重新執行root.sh
2、重新配置Grid Infrastructure及ASM
- #重新配置Grid Infrastructure並不會移除已經複製的二進位制檔案,僅僅是回覆到配置crs之前的狀態,下面是其步驟
- a、使用root使用者登入,並執行下面的命令(所有節點,但最後一個節點除外)
- # perl $GRID_HOME/crs/install/rootcrs.pl -verbose -deconfig -force
- b、同樣使用root使用者在最後一個節點執行下面的命令。該命令將清空ocr 配置和voting disk
- # perl $GRID_HOME/crs/install/rootcrs.pl -verbose -deconfig -force -lastnode
- c、如果使用了ASM磁碟,繼續下面的操作以使得ASM重新作為候選磁碟(清空所有的ASM磁碟組)
- # dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1024 count=100
- # /etc/init.d/oracleasm deletedisk DATA /dev/sdb1
- # /etc/init.d/oracleasm createdisk DATA /dev/sdb1
- #Author : Robinson
- #Blog : http://blog.csdn.net/robinson_0612
3、徹底刪除Grid Infrastructure
- #11g R2 Grid Infrastructure也提供了徹底解除安裝的功能,deinstall該命令取代了使用OUI方式來清除clusterware以及ASM,回覆到安裝grid之前的環境。
- #該命令將停止叢集,移除二進位制檔案及其相關的所有配置資訊。
- #命令位置:$GRID_HOME/deinstall
- #下面是該命令操作的具體事例,操作期間,需要提供一些互動資訊,以及在新的session以root身份清除一些/tmp下的檔案
- [root@linux1 bin]# ./crsctl check crs
- CRS-4638: Oracle High Availability Services is online
- CRS-4537: Cluster Ready Services is online
- CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
- CRS-4533: Event Manager is online
- [root@linux1 bin]# cd ../deinstall/
- [root@linux1 deinstall]# pwd
- /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/deinstall
- [root@linux1 deinstall]# ./deinstall
- You must not be logged in as root to run ./deinstall.
- Log in as Oracle user and rerun ./deinstall.
- [root@linux1 deinstall]# su grid
- [grid@linux1 deinstall]$ ./deinstall
- Checking for required files and bootstrapping ...
- Please wait ...
- Location of logs /tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/logs/
- ############ ORACLE DEINSTALL & DECONFIG TOOL START ############
- ######################## CHECK OPERATION START ########################
- Install check configuration START
- Checking for existence of the Oracle home location /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
- Oracle Home type selected for de-install is: CRS
- Oracle Base selected for de-install is: /u01/app/grid
- Checking for existence of central inventory location /u01/app/oraInventory
- Checking for existence of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure home /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
- The following nodes are part of this cluster: linux1,linux2
- Install check configuration END
- Traces log file: /tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/logs//crsdc.log
- Network Configuration check config START
- Network de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/logs/netdc_check207506844451155733.log
- Network Configuration check config END
- Asm Check Configuration START
- ASM de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/logs/asmcadc_check2698133635629979531.log
- ASM configuration was not detected in this Oracle home. Was ASM configured in this Oracle home (y|n) [n]: y
- Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instance is detected in this Oracle home /u01/app/11.2.0/grid.
- ASM Diagnostic Destination : /u01/app/grid
- ASM Diskgroups : +DATA
- Diskgroups will be dropped
- De-configuring ASM will drop all the diskgroups and it's contents at cleanup time. This will affect all of the databases and ACFS
- that use this ASM instance(s).
- If you want to retain the existing diskgroups or if any of the information detected is incorrect, you can modify by entering 'y'.
- Do you want to modify above information (y|n) [n]:
- ######################### CHECK OPERATION END #########################
- ####################### CHECK OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
- Oracle Grid Infrastructure Home is: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
- The cluster node(s) on which the Oracle home exists are: (Please input nodes seperated by ",", eg: node1,node2,...)linux1,linux2
- Oracle Home selected for de-install is: /u01/app/11.2.0/grid
- Inventory Location where the Oracle home registered is: /u01/app/oraInventory
- ASM instance will be de-configured from this Oracle home
- Do you want to continue (y - yes, n - no)? [n]: y
- A log of this session will be written to: '/tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/logs/deinstall_deconfig2013-07-16_05-54-37-PM.out'
- Any error messages from this session will be written to: '/tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/logs/deinstall_deconfig2013-07-16_05-54-37-PM.err'
- ######################## CLEAN OPERATION START ########################
- ASM de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/logs/asmcadc_clean3319637107726750003.log
- ASM Clean Configuration START
- ASM Clean Configuration END
- Network Configuration clean config START
- Network de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/logs/netdc_clean9055263637610505743.log
- De-configuring Naming Methods configuration file on all nodes...
- Naming Methods configuration file de-configured successfully.
- De-configuring Local Net Service Names configuration file on all nodes...
- Local Net Service Names configuration file de-configured successfully.
- De-configuring Directory Usage configuration file on all nodes...
- Directory Usage configuration file de-configured successfully.
- De-configuring backup files on all nodes...
- Backup files de-configured successfully.
- The network configuration has been cleaned up successfully.
- Network Configuration clean config END
- ---------------------------------------->
- Run the following command as the root user or the administrator on node "linux2".
- /tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/perl/bin/perl -I/tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/perl/lib
- -I/tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/crs/install /tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/crs/install/rootcrs.pl -force
- -delete -paramfile /tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/response/deinstall_Ora11g_gridinfrahome1.rsp
- Run the following command as the root user or the administrator on node "linux1".
- /tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/perl/bin/perl -I/tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/perl/lib
- -I/tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/crs/install /tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/crs/install/rootcrs.pl -force
- -delete -paramfile /tmp/deinstall2013-07-16_05-54-03-PM/response/deinstall_Ora11g_gridinfrahome1.rsp -lastnode
- Press Enter after you finish running the above commands
- Oracle Universal Installer clean START
- Detach Oracle home '/u01/app/11.2.0/grid' from the central inventory on the local node : Done
- Delete directory '/u01/app/11.2.0/grid' on the local node : Done
- Delete directory '/u01/app/oraInventory' on the local node : Done
- Delete directory '/u01/app/grid' on the local node : Done
- Detach Oracle home '/u01/app/11.2.0/grid' from the central inventory on the remote nodes 'linux2' : Done
- Delete directory '/u01/app/11.2.0/grid' on the remote nodes 'linux2' : Done
- Delete directory '/u01/app/oraInventory' on the remote nodes 'linux2' : Done
- Delete directory '/u01/app/grid' on the remote nodes 'linux2' : Done
- Oracle Universal Installer cleanup was successful.
- Oracle Universal Installer clean END
- Oracle install clean START
- Clean install operation removing temporary directory '/tmp/install' on node 'linux1'
- Clean install operation removing temporary directory '/tmp/install' on node 'linux2'
- Oracle install clean END
- ######################### CLEAN OPERATION END #########################
- ####################### CLEAN OPERATION SUMMARY #######################
- ASM instance was de-configured successfully from the Oracle home
- Oracle Clusterware is stopped and successfully de-configured on node "linux2"
- Oracle Clusterware is stopped and successfully de-configured on node "linux1"
- Oracle Clusterware is stopped and de-configured successfully.
- Successfully detached Oracle home '/u01/app/11.2.0/grid' from the central inventory on the local node.
- Successfully deleted directory '/u01/app/11.2.0/grid' on the local node.
- Successfully deleted directory '/u01/app/oraInventory' on the local node.
- Successfully deleted directory '/u01/app/grid' on the local node.
- Successfully detached Oracle home '/u01/app/11.2.0/grid' from the central inventory on the remote nodes 'linux2'.
- Successfully deleted directory '/u01/app/11.2.0/grid' on the remote nodes 'linux2'.
- Successfully deleted directory '/u01/app/oraInventory' on the remote nodes 'linux2'.
- Successfully deleted directory '/u01/app/grid' on the remote nodes 'linux2'.
- Oracle Universal Installer cleanup was successful.
- Run 'rm -rf /etc/oraInst.loc' as root on node(s) 'linux1,linux2' at the end of the session.
- Oracle install successfully cleaned up the temporary directories.
- #######################################################################
- ############# ORACLE DEINSTALL & DECONFIG TOOL END #############
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/26175573/viewspace-775997/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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