RMAN 相容性矩陣及版本比較
今天客戶配置RMAN 備份發現錯誤。
報RMAN-6186 錯誤,發現是RMAN 版本之間的錯誤。解決後順便將RMAN 多版本的相容性列表發出來,希望大家有所幫助。
RMAN Executable | Catalog Database | Catalog Schema | | | | >=8.1.7 | | | | >=8.1.7 | >= |
9.0.1 | 9.0.1 | >=8.1.7 | >= RMAN executable |
9.2.0 | >= and <= Target database | >=8.1.7 | >= RMAN executable |
>=10.1.0 | >= and <= Target database | >=9.0.1 | >= RMAN executable |
在有Catalog db 的RMAN 備份中,有三個點要注意:
RMAN 執行的資料庫版本
RMAN Catalog 資料庫版本
RMAN 備份的Target 資料庫版本
RMAN 執行的資料庫版本和Target 資料庫版本一致。
RMAN catalog schema 版本必須大於等於RMAN 執行版本。
RMAN target DB 版本必須大於等於RMAN catalog 資料庫版本。
$ oerr rman 6184
6184, 1, "duplicate object in backup specifier: %s %s"
// *Cause: A backup command specifies the same datafile or copy of a datafile
// multiple times.
// *Action: Eliminate the duplicates.
$ oerr rman 6186
6186, 1, "PL/SQL package %s.%s version %s in %s database is too old"
// *Cause: The specified PL/SQL package is a version that is too old to work
// with this version of the Recovery Manager (RMAN).
// *Action: If the database indicated is RCVCAT, then you can use the
// UPGRADE CATALOG command to upgrade the recovery catalog to the
// most current version. If the database is TARGET or AUXILIARY,
// then you must either upgrade the specified database or use
// an older version of RMAN.
$ oerr rman 6429
6429, 1, "%s database is not compatible with this version of RMAN"
// *Cause: The indicated database is not compatible with this version of
// the Recovery Manager (RMAN). Other messages have also
// been issued which detail the cause of the error.
// *Action: See the other messages. If the database is RCVCAT, then you may
// be able to use the CREATE CATALOG or UPGRADE CATALOG commands
// to correct the problem. If the database is TARGET or AUXILIARY,
// then you must either upgrade the target database or use a
// newer version of the RMAN executable.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/34596/viewspace-611849/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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