ora -03232 問題解決【Blog 搬家】
ora -03232 問題解決
2005 年 09 月 22 日, 星期四
今天在執行一個大SQL 時,系統報ORA-03232: unable to allocate an extent of blocks from tablespace 3 錯誤
select * from v$tablespace where ts#=3
結果是temp tablespace 不能擴充套件。
檢查alterlog 沒有任何錯誤資訊--- 這點沒有想通 :(
1: 增加Temp 表空間 ---此法不行
我的 temp 表空間 2G 現在只使用 280M,顯然不是Temp tablespace 小的緣故
2: 修改 hash_multiblock_io_count=1
(oracle default =1)
經檢查我的 hash_multiblock_io_count =8 .
specifies the number of data blocks to read and write during a hash join operation. The value
multiplied by the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter should not exceed 64 K. The default value for this parameter is 1. If the multi-threaded server is used, the value is always 1, and any value specified here is ignored.
specifies the number of data blocks to read and write during a hash join operation. The value
multiplied by the DB_BLOCK_SIZE initialization parameter should not exceed 64 K. The default value for this parameter is 1. If the multi-threaded server is used, the value is always 1, and any value specified here is ignored.
如果使用多執行緒Server, 根據上面的解釋除過 1 的任何值都是忽略的,所以我們設定的8 也沒有什麼意義。故知需要修改為 1。問題就解決了。
03232, 00000, "unable to allocate an extent of %s blocks from tablespace %s"
// *Cause: An attempt was made to specify a HASH_MULTIBLOCK_IO_COUNT value
// that is greater than the tablespace's NEXT value
// *Action: Increase the value of NEXT for the tablespace using
// ALTER TABLESPACE DEFAULT STORAGE or decrease the value of
2: 增加temp tablespace 的next values
myhuaer 發表於:2005.09.22 15:09 ::分類: ( Oracle Infomation ) ::閱讀:(503次
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