看了四個小時hector guide,借用一個hector的使用清單來總結下hector的使用
import static me.prettyprint.cassandra.utils.StringUtils.bytes;
import static me.prettyprint.cassandra.utils.StringUtils.string;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.Column;
import org.apache.cassandra.service.ColumnPath;
public class ExampleClient {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IllegalStateException,
PoolExhaustedException, Exception {
CassandraClientPool pool = CassandraClientPoolFactory.INSTANCE.get();
CassandraClient client = pool.borrowClient("localhost", 9160);
// A load balanced version would look like this:
// CassandraClient client = pool.borrowClient(new String[] {"cas1:9160",
// "cas2:9160", "cas3:9160"});
try {
Keyspace keyspace = client.getKeyspace("Keyspace1");
ColumnPath columnPath = new ColumnPath("Standard1", null,
// insert
keyspace.insert("逖靖寒的世界", columnPath,
// read
Column col = keyspace.getColumn("逖靖寒的世界", columnPath);
.println("Read from cassandra: " + string(col.getValue()));
} finally {
// return client to pool. do it in a finally block to make sure it's
// executed
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