ERROR: NMO not setuid-root


Oracle線上備份出現錯誤ERROR: NMO not setuid-root (Unix-only)


Problem: I had an issue of cloning database from OEM due to unix oracle OS user id. So I had changed the uid of oracle OS user by usermod -u 501 command. And then I was trying to defined the clone job, it does not connect with Destination and issued the following error.

ERROR: NMO not setuid-root (Unix-only)


1. Connect as oracle user to the host giving the connection error (we assume that oracle is the OS user which installed the Grid Management Agent)

2. Stop the Grid Management Agent
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ ./emctl stop agent

3. Connect with the user root, keeping the oracle user environment

4. cd to the Management Agent ORACLE_HOME

5. Run the script
$ ./

6. Connect back to the oracle user

7. Restart the Grid Management Agent
$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ ./emctl start agent

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