Shutdown=>No mount=> Mount=> Open
1. 將一個資料庫與一個已啟動的例項關聯起來
Associating a database with a previous started instance
2. 定位並開啟所有在引數檔案中指定的控制檔案
Locating and opening all of the control files specified in the parameter file
3. 讀取控制檔案以獲取資料檔案和線上重做日誌檔案的名字與狀態(但是,檔案的存在性並沒有被檢查)
To perform. specific maintenance operations, start an instance and mount a database, but do not open the database.
For example, the database must be mounted but must not be opened during the following tasks:
1. Renaming data files(Data files for an offline tablespace can be renamed when the database is open).
2. Enabling and disabling online redo log file archiving operations.
3. Perform. full database recovery
1. Opening the data files
2. Opening the online redo log files.
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