Oracle 1Z0 053 Q666(Flashback Table)
666.You are working in an online transaction processing (OLTP) environment. You use the
FLASHBACKTABLE command to flash back the CUSTOMERS table. Before executing the FLASHBACK
TABLE command, the system change number (SCN) was 663571. After flashing back the CUSTOMERS
table, you realize that the table is not in the correct state. Now, you need to reverse the effects of the
FLASHBACK TABLE command. Which is the fastest and the most efficient option to reverse the effects of
the FLASHBACK TABLE command?
A. Restore the backup control file and open the database with RESETLOGS option.
B. Perform point-in-time recovery because flashback cannot be performed again on this table
C. Execute the FLASHBACK DATABASE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN
D. Execute another FLASHBACK TABLE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN
Answer: D
簡單的再做一次FLASHBACK TABLE, 而不需point-in-time tablespace recovery
FLASHBACKTABLE command to flash back the CUSTOMERS table. Before executing the FLASHBACK
TABLE command, the system change number (SCN) was 663571. After flashing back the CUSTOMERS
table, you realize that the table is not in the correct state. Now, you need to reverse the effects of the
FLASHBACK TABLE command. Which is the fastest and the most efficient option to reverse the effects of
the FLASHBACK TABLE command?
A. Restore the backup control file and open the database with RESETLOGS option.
B. Perform point-in-time recovery because flashback cannot be performed again on this table
C. Execute the FLASHBACK DATABASE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN
D. Execute another FLASHBACK TABLE statement to retrieve the CUSTOMERS table as it was at SCN
Answer: D
簡單的再做一次FLASHBACK TABLE, 而不需point-in-time tablespace recovery
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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