Specify NORMAL to flush all blocks in all datafiles in the tablespace out of the SGA. You need not perform. media recovery on this tablespace before bringing it back online. This is the default.
If you specify TEMPORARY, then Oracle performs a checkpoint for all online datafiles in the tablespace but does not ensure that all files can be written. Any offline files may require media recovery before you bring the tablespace back online.
If you specify IMMEDIATE, then Oracle does not ensure that tablespace files are available and does not perform. a checkpoint. You must perform. media recovery on the tablespace before bringing it back online.
Specify NORMAL to flush all blocks in all datafiles in the tablespace out of the SGA. You need not perform. media recovery on this tablespace before bringing it back online. This is the default.
If you specify TEMPORARY, then Oracle performs a checkpoint for all online datafiles in the tablespace but does not ensure that all files can be written. Any offline files may require media recovery before you bring the tablespace back online.
If you specify IMMEDIATE, then Oracle does not ensure that tablespace files are available and does not perform. a checkpoint. You must perform. media recovery on the tablespace before bringing it back online.
normal 為表空間所有檔案做checkpoint,操作時表空間的所有檔案必須處於線上狀態,online時不需要恢復
temporary 為表空間的所有線上檔案做checkpoint,操作時已處於offline狀態的檔案不做checkpoint,online時需要恢復
immediate 不為表空間的任何檔案做checkpoint,online時需要恢復
temporary 為表空間的所有線上檔案做checkpoint,操作時已處於offline狀態的檔案不做checkpoint,online時需要恢復
immediate 不為表空間的任何檔案做checkpoint,online時需要恢復
---The End---
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