RMAN 11g Import catalog fails RMAN-6429 (Doc ID 457392.1)
RMAN 11g Import catalog fails RMAN-6429 (Doc ID 457392.1)
In this Document Platforms: 1-914CU;
Applies to:Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition - Version: to - Release: 11.1 to 11.1Information in this document applies to any platform. SymptomsAttempt to import a 9.2 RMAN recovery catalog schema into an 11g RMAN recovery catalog schema fails:
$ rman catalog rman11g/rman11g Cause
RMAN needs connectivity to the source and destination catalogs for the import command. Per the documentation: "When using IMPORT CATALOG, the version of the source recovery catalog schema must be equal to the current version of the destination recovery catalog schema. If the source catalog schema is a lower version, then upgrade it to the current version before importing the schema. "Upgrading the Recovery Catalog" explains how to upgrade." Reference
Bug 11830163 - RMAN-06429: IMPCAT DATABASE IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION OF RMAN Solution1. First upgrade the v9.2 rman recovery catalog to 11g RMAN> connect catalog rman/rman@v92 RMAN> upgrade catalog; recovery catalog owner is RMAN enter UPGRADE CATALOG command again to confirm catalog upgrade RMAN> upgrade catalog; recovery catalog upgraded to version DBMS_RCVMAN package upgraded to version DBMS_RCVCAT package upgraded to version
2. Import the catalog into an 11g recovery catalog. |
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