上一篇《白話tornado原始碼(3):請求來了》介紹了客戶端請求在tornado框架中的生命週期,其本質就是利用epoll和socket來獲取並處理請求。在上一篇的內容中,我們只是給客戶端返回了簡單的字串,如:“Hello World”,而在實際開發中,需要使用html檔案的內容作為模板,然後將被處理後的資料(計算或資料庫中的資料)巢狀在模板中,然後將巢狀了資料的html檔案的內容返回給請求者客戶端,本篇就來詳細的剖析模板處理的整個過程。
上圖是返回給使用者一個html檔案的整個流程,較之前的Demo多了綠色流線的步驟,其實就是把【self.write(‘hello world’)】變成了【self.render(‘main.html’)】,對於所有的綠色流線只做了五件事:
- 使用內建的open函式讀取Html檔案中的內容
- 根據模板語言的標籤分割Html檔案的內容,例如:{{}} 或 {%%}
- 將分割後的部分資料塊格式化成特殊的字串(表示式)
- 通過python的內建函式執行字串表示式,即:將html檔案的內容和巢狀的資料整合
- 將資料返回給請求客戶端
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class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.render("main.html",**{'data':['11','22','33'],'title':'main'}) [main.html] <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <h1>{{title}}</h1> {% for item in data %} <h3>{{item}}</h3> {% end %} </body> </html> XXXHandler.get |
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <h1>{{title}}</h1> {% for item in data %} <h3>{{item}}</h3> {% end %} </body> </html> |
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第1塊:'<!DOCTYPE html><html><head lang="en"><meta charset="UTF-8"><title></title></head><h1>' 第2塊:'title' 第3塊:'</h1> \n\n' 第4塊:'for item in data' 第4.1塊:'\n <h3>' 第4.2塊:'item' 第4.3塊:'</h3> \n' 第五塊:'</body>' |
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'def _execute(): _buffer = [] _buffer.append(\\'<!DOCTYPE html>\\n<html>\\n<head lang="en">\\n<meta charset="UTF-8">\\n<title></title>\\n</head>\\n<body>\\n<h1>\\') _tmp = title if isinstance(_tmp, str): _buffer.append(_tmp) elif isinstance(_tmp, unicode): _buffer.append(_tmp.encode(\\'utf-8\\')) else: _buffer.append(str(_tmp)) _buffer.append(\\'</h1>\\n\\') for item in data: _buffer.append(\\'\\n<h3>\\') _tmp = item if isinstance(_tmp, str): _buffer.append(_tmp) elif isinstance(_tmp, unicode): _buffer.append(_tmp.encode(\\'utf-8\\')) else: _buffer.append(str(_tmp)) _buffer.append(\\'</h3>\\n\\') _buffer.append(\\'\\n</body>\\n</html>\\') return \\'\\'.join(_buffer) ' |
1 2 |
a、參照本篇博文的前戲 http://www.cnblogs.com/wupeiqi/p/4592637.html b、全域性變數有 title = 'main';data = ['11','22','33'] |
- 獲取Html檔案內容並把資料(程式資料或框架自帶資料)巢狀在內容中的指定標籤中(本篇主題)
- 執行ui_modules,再次在html中插入內容,例:head,js檔案、js內容、css檔案、css內容和body
- 內部呼叫客戶端socket,將處理請求後的資料返回給請求客戶端
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class RequestHandler(object): def render(self, template_name, **kwargs): #根據Html檔名稱獲取檔案內容並把引數kwargs嵌入到內容的指定標籤內 html = self.render_string(template_name, **kwargs) #執行ui_modules,再在html的內容中插入head,js檔案、js內容、css檔案、css內容和body資訊。 js_embed = [] js_files = [] css_embed = [] css_files = [] html_heads = [] html_bodies = [] for module in getattr(self, "_active_modules", {}).itervalues(): embed_part = module.embedded_javascript() if embed_part: js_embed.append(_utf8(embed_part)) file_part = module.javascript_files() if file_part: if isinstance(file_part, basestring): js_files.append(file_part) else: js_files.extend(file_part) embed_part = module.embedded_css() if embed_part: css_embed.append(_utf8(embed_part)) file_part = module.css_files() if file_part: if isinstance(file_part, basestring): css_files.append(file_part) else: css_files.extend(file_part) head_part = module.html_head() if head_part: html_heads.append(_utf8(head_part)) body_part = module.html_body() if body_part: html_bodies.append(_utf8(body_part)) if js_files:#新增js檔案 # Maintain order of JavaScript files given by modules paths = [] unique_paths = set() for path in js_files: if not path.startswith("/") and not path.startswith("http:"): path = self.static_url(path) if path not in unique_paths: paths.append(path) unique_paths.add(path) js = ''.join('<script src="' + escape.xhtml_escape(p) + '" type="text/javascript"></script>' for p in paths) sloc = html.rindex('</body>') html = html[:sloc] + js + '\n' + html[sloc:] if js_embed:#新增js內容 js = '<script type="text/javascript">\n//<![CDATA[\n' + \ '\n'.join(js_embed) + '\n//]]>\n</script>' sloc = html.rindex('</body>') html = html[:sloc] + js + '\n' + html[sloc:] if css_files:#新增css檔案 paths = [] unique_paths = set() for path in css_files: if not path.startswith("/") and not path.startswith("http:"): path = self.static_url(path) if path not in unique_paths: paths.append(path) unique_paths.add(path) css = ''.join('<link href="' + escape.xhtml_escape(p) + '" ' 'type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>' for p in paths) hloc = html.index('</head>') html = html[:hloc] + css + '\n' + html[hloc:] if css_embed:#新增css內容 css = '<style type="text/css">\n' + '\n'.join(css_embed) + \ '\n</style>' hloc = html.index('</head>') html = html[:hloc] + css + '\n' + html[hloc:] if html_heads:#新增html的header hloc = html.index('</head>') html = html[:hloc] + ''.join(html_heads) + '\n' + html[hloc:] if html_bodies:#新增html的body hloc = html.index('</body>') html = html[:hloc] + ''.join(html_bodies) + '\n' + html[hloc:] #把處理後的資訊響應給客戶端 self.finish(html) |
對於ui_modules,每一個ui_module其實就是一個類,一旦註冊並啟用了該ui_module,tornado便會自動執行其中的方法:embedded_javascript、javascript_files、embedded_css、css_files、html_head、html_body和render ,從而實現對html內容的補充。(執行過程見上述程式碼)
自定義UI Modules
此處是一個完整的 建立 –> 註冊 –> 啟用 的Demo
├── index.py
├── static
└── views
└── index.html
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#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import tornado.ioloop import tornado.web class CustomModule(tornado.web.UIModule): def embedded_javascript(self): return 'embedded_javascript' def javascript_files(self): return 'javascript_files' def embedded_css(self): return 'embedded_css' def css_files(self): return 'css_files' def html_head(self): return 'html_head' def html_body(self): return 'html_body' def render(self): return 'render' class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): def get(self): self.render('index.html') settings = { 'static_path': 'static', "template_path": 'views', "ui_modules": {'Foo': CustomModule}, } application = tornado.web.Application([(r"/", MainHandler), ], **settings) if __name__ == "__main__": application.listen(8888) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() |
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> </head> <body> <hr> {% module Foo() %} <hr> </body> </html> |
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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <!-- css_files --> <link href="/static/css_files" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- embedded_css --> <style type="text/css"> embedded_css </style> </head> <body> <!-- html_head --> html_head <hr> <!-- redner --> render <hr> <!-- javascript_files --> <script src="/static/javascript_files" type="text/javascript"></script> <!-- embedded_javascript --> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ embedded_javascript //]]> </script> <!-- html_body --> html_body </body> </html> |
- 建立Loader物件,並執行load方法
— 通過open函式開啟html檔案並讀取內容,並將內容作為引數又建立一個 Template 物件
— 當執行Template的 __init__ 方法時,根據模板語言的標籤 {{}}、{%%}等分割並html檔案,最後生成一個字串表示的函式 - 獲取所有要嵌入到html模板中的變數,包括:使用者返回和框架預設
- 執行Template物件的generate方法
— 編譯字串表示的函式,並將使用者定義的值和框架預設的值作為全域性變數
— 執行被編譯的函式獲取被巢狀了資料的內容,然後將內容返回(用於響應給請求客戶端)
注意:詳細編譯和執行Demo請參見《第四篇:白話tornado原始碼之褪去模板外衣的前戲 》
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class RequestHandler(object): def render_string(self, template_name, **kwargs): #獲取配置檔案中指定的模板資料夾路徑,即:template_path = 'views' template_path = self.get_template_path() #如果沒有配置模板檔案的路徑,則預設去啟動程式所在的目錄去找 if not template_path: frame = sys._getframe(0) web_file = frame.f_code.co_filename while frame.f_code.co_filename == web_file: frame = frame.f_back template_path = os.path.dirname(frame.f_code.co_filename) if not getattr(RequestHandler, "_templates", None): RequestHandler._templates = {} #建立Loader物件,第一次建立後,會將該值儲存在RequestHandler的靜態欄位_template_loaders中 if template_path not in RequestHandler._templates: loader = self.application.settings.get("template_loader") or\ template.Loader(template_path) RequestHandler._templates[template_path] = loader #執行Loader物件的load方法,該方法內部執行執行Loader的_create_template方法 #在_create_template方法內部使用open方法會開啟html檔案並讀取html的內容,然後將其作為引數來建立一個Template物件 #Template的構造方法被執行時,內部解析html檔案的內容,並根據內部的 {{}} {%%}標籤對內容進行分割,最後生成一個字串類表示的函式並儲存在self.code欄位中 t = RequestHandler._templates[template_path].load(template_name) #獲取所有要嵌入到html中的值和框架預設提供的值 args = dict( handler=self, request=self.request, current_user=self.current_user, locale=self.locale, _=self.locale.translate, static_url=self.static_url, xsrf_form_html=self.xsrf_form_html, reverse_url=self.application.reverse_url ) args.update(self.ui) args.update(kwargs) #執行Template的generate方法,編譯字串表示的函式並將namespace中的所有key,value設定成全域性變數,然後執行該函式。從而將值巢狀進html並返回。 return t.generate(**args) |
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class Loader(object): """A template loader that loads from a single root directory. You must use a template loader to use template constructs like {% extends %} and {% include %}. Loader caches all templates after they are loaded the first time. """ def __init__(self, root_directory): self.root = os.path.abspath(root_directory) self.templates = {} Loader.__init__ |
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class Loader(object): def load(self, name, parent_path=None): name = self.resolve_path(name, parent_path=parent_path) if name not in self.templates: path = os.path.join(self.root, name) f = open(path, "r") #讀取html檔案的內容 #建立Template物件 #name是檔名 self.templates[name] = Template(f.read(), name=name, loader=self) f.close() return self.templates[name] Loader.load |
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class Template(object): def __init__(self, template_string, name="<string>", loader=None,compress_whitespace=None): # template_string是Html檔案的內容 self.name = name if compress_whitespace is None: compress_whitespace = name.endswith(".html") or name.endswith(".js") #將內容封裝到_TemplateReader物件中,用於之後根據模板語言的標籤分割html檔案 reader = _TemplateReader(name, template_string) #分割html檔案成為一個一個的物件 #執行_parse方法,將html檔案分割成_ChunkList物件 self.file = _File(_parse(reader)) #將html內容格式化成字串表示的函式 self.code = self._generate_python(loader, compress_whitespace) try: #將字串表示的函式編譯成函式 self.compiled = compile(self.code, self.name, "exec") except: formatted_code = _format_code(self.code).rstrip() logging.error("%s code:\n%s", self.name, formatted_code) raise Template.__init__ |
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class Template(object): def generate(self, **kwargs): """Generate this template with the given arguments.""" namespace = { "escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "xhtml_escape": escape.xhtml_escape, "url_escape": escape.url_escape, "json_encode": escape.json_encode, "squeeze": escape.squeeze, "linkify": escape.linkify, "datetime": datetime, } #建立變數環境並執行函式,詳細Demo見上一篇博文 namespace.update(kwargs) exec self.compiled in namespace execute = namespace["_execute"] try: #執行編譯好的字串格式的函式,獲取巢狀了值的html檔案 return execute() except: formatted_code = _format_code(self.code).rstrip() logging.error("%s code:\n%s", self.name, formatted_code) raise Template.generate |
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class _TemplateReader(object): def __init__(self, name, text): self.name = name self.text = text self.line = 0 self.pos = 0 def find(self, needle, start=0, end=None): assert start >= 0, start pos = self.pos start += pos if end is None: index = self.text.find(needle, start) else: end += pos assert end >= start index = self.text.find(needle, start, end) if index != -1: index -= pos return index def consume(self, count=None): if count is None: count = len(self.text) - self.pos newpos = self.pos + count self.line += self.text.count("\n", self.pos, newpos) s = self.text[self.pos:newpos] self.pos = newpos return s def remaining(self): return len(self.text) - self.pos def __len__(self): return self.remaining() def __getitem__(self, key): if type(key) is slice: size = len(self) start, stop, step = key.indices(size) if start is None: start = self.pos else: start += self.pos if stop is not None: stop += self.pos return self.text[slice(start, stop, step)] elif key < 0: return self.text[key] else: return self.text[self.pos + key] def __str__(self): return self.text[self.pos:] _TemplateReader |
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class _ChunkList(_Node): def __init__(self, chunks): self.chunks = chunks def generate(self, writer): for chunk in self.chunks: chunk.generate(writer) def each_child(self): return self.chunks _ChunkList |
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def _parse(reader, in_block=None): #預設建立一個內容為空列表的_ChunkList物件 body = _ChunkList([]) # 將html塊新增到 body.chunks 列表中 while True: # Find next template directive curly = 0 while True: curly = reader.find("{", curly) if curly == -1 or curly + 1 == reader.remaining(): # EOF if in_block: raise ParseError("Missing {%% end %%} block for %s" %in_block) body.chunks.append(_Text(reader.consume())) return body # If the first curly brace is not the start of a special token, # start searching from the character after it if reader[curly + 1] not in ("{", "%"): curly += 1 continue # When there are more than 2 curlies in a row, use the # innermost ones. This is useful when generating languages # like latex where curlies are also meaningful if (curly + 2 < reader.remaining() and reader[curly + 1] == '{' and reader[curly + 2] == '{'): curly += 1 continue break # Append any text before the special token if curly > 0: body.chunks.append(_Text(reader.consume(curly))) start_brace = reader.consume(2) line = reader.line # Expression if start_brace == "{{": end = reader.find("}}") if end == -1 or reader.find("\n", 0, end) != -1: raise ParseError("Missing end expression }} on line %d" % line) contents = reader.consume(end).strip() reader.consume(2) if not contents: raise ParseError("Empty expression on line %d" % line) body.chunks.append(_Expression(contents)) continue # Block assert start_brace == "{%", start_brace end = reader.find("%}") if end == -1 or reader.find("\n", 0, end) != -1: raise ParseError("Missing end block %%} on line %d" % line) contents = reader.consume(end).strip() reader.consume(2) if not contents: raise ParseError("Empty block tag ({%% %%}) on line %d" % line) operator, space, suffix = contents.partition(" ") suffix = suffix.strip() # Intermediate ("else", "elif", etc) blocks intermediate_blocks = { "else": set(["if", "for", "while"]), "elif": set(["if"]), "except": set(["try"]), "finally": set(["try"]), } allowed_parents = intermediate_blocks.get(operator) if allowed_parents is not None: if not in_block: raise ParseError("%s outside %s block" % (operator, allowed_parents)) if in_block not in allowed_parents: raise ParseError("%s block cannot be attached to %s block" % (operator, in_block)) body.chunks.append(_IntermediateControlBlock(contents)) continue # End tag elif operator == "end": if not in_block: raise ParseError("Extra {%% end %%} block on line %d" % line) return body elif operator in ("extends", "include", "set", "import", "from", "comment"): if operator == "comment": continue if operator == "extends": suffix = suffix.strip('"').strip("'") if not suffix: raise ParseError("extends missing file path on line %d" % line) block = _ExtendsBlock(suffix) elif operator in ("import", "from"): if not suffix: raise ParseError("import missing statement on line %d" % line) block = _Statement(contents) elif operator == "include": suffix = suffix.strip('"').strip("'") if not suffix: raise ParseError("include missing file path on line %d" % line) block = _IncludeBlock(suffix, reader) elif operator == "set": if not suffix: raise ParseError("set missing statement on line %d" % line) block = _Statement(suffix) body.chunks.append(block) continue elif operator in ("apply", "block", "try", "if", "for", "while"): # parse inner body recursively block_body = _parse(reader, operator) if operator == "apply": if not suffix: raise ParseError("apply missing method name on line %d" % line) block = _ApplyBlock(suffix, block_body) elif operator == "block": if not suffix: raise ParseError("block missing name on line %d" % line) block = _NamedBlock(suffix, block_body) else: block = _ControlBlock(contents, block_body) body.chunks.append(block) continue else: raise ParseError("unknown operator: %r" % operator) _parse |
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class Template(object): def _generate_python(self, loader, compress_whitespace): buffer = cStringIO.StringIO() try: named_blocks = {} ancestors = self._get_ancestors(loader) ancestors.reverse() for ancestor in ancestors: ancestor.find_named_blocks(loader, named_blocks) self.file.find_named_blocks(loader, named_blocks) writer = _CodeWriter(buffer, named_blocks, loader, self, compress_whitespace) ancestors[0].generate(writer) return buffer.getvalue() finally: buffer.close() Template._generate_python |