Can Tapes Be Used For RMAN Convert Database (Doc ID 563816.1)
Can Tapes Be Used For RMAN Convert Database (Doc ID 563816.1)
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We need to convert a 5TB database from Solaris to AIX. We are planning to use the RMAN
CONVERT DATABASE command to do this (as they are both BIG_ENDIAN). All MetaLink examples show RMAN to disk, but this database is 5TB, and would like to use RMAN to sbt_tape (CommVault).
Can we possibly use RMAN to sbt_tape to perform this CONVERT DATABASE? Or do you recommend using RMAN to disk?
The RMAN convert database command does the conversion only on disk. The reason behind this is that convert database creates image copies, and image copies cannot be directed to tape. So, its mandatory to use disk as the media.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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