RMAN 11GR2 : DUPLICATE Without Target And Recovery Catalog Connection_874352.1
RMAN 11GR2 : DUPLICATE Without Target And Recovery Catalog Connection (Doc ID 874352.1)
In this Document
Applies to:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform. ***Checked for relevance on 9-Sep-2013*** GoalRman 11g release 2 provides us the flexibility of creating the rman duplicate without connecting to the target database and recovery catalog.
All rman needs here is the location of the backup pieces which is accessible and rman reads the backup pieces and restores the spfile,controlfile,datafiles and archivelog files to perform the duplicate operation.
This is a New Feature in 11gR2
http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/backup.112/e10642/wnbradv.htm#BRADV021 Oracle? Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) . What's New in Backup and Recovery? Solution
Process involved in this type of duplicate database
++ Rman restores the spfile from the backup pieces located in the mentioned location. The steps involved in creating the duplicate database are as follows
1) Take a backup of the spfile, controlfile, database, and archivelogs as follows:
RMAN> backup spfile ;
RMAN> backup database include current controlfile plus archivelog ;
++ If the duplicate is going to happen on different server, move the backup pieces to a new server using commands like ftp,scp etc.
++ If the duplicate is going to happen on the same server as target, then you can either retain them in the same location where the backup was done or copy it to a required location.
For unix copy the password file from the target database to $ORACLE_HOME/dbs and rename it.
For windows copy the password file from the target database to %ORACLE_HOME/database and rename it.
Unix Example
============ Just set the environment variables and start the instance. % export ORACLE_SID=dup11r2 % export ORACLE_HOME=/home/oracle/ora11g % export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH % sqlplus "/as sysdba" SQL > startup nomount
Windows Example
=============== Create a service and then set the necessary environment variables and start the instance. % oradim -new -sid dup11r2 set ORACLE_SID=dup11r2 set ORACLE_HOME=D:\Orahome\Ora11gr2 set PATH=D:\Orahome\Ora11gr2\bin;%PATH% % sqlplus "/as sysdba" SQL > startup nomount
======= % rman auxiliary / RMAN > DUPLICATE DATABASE TO dup11r2 UNTIL TIME "TO_DATE('29-MAY-2010 14:16:42','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')" SPFILE set control_files='D:\dup11r2\c1.ctl' set db_file_name_convert='D:\Database\Ora11g2\ora11g2','d:\dup11r2' set log_file_name_convert='D:\Database\Ora11g2\ora11g2','d:\dup11r2' BACKUP LOCATION 'D:\dup11r2' ; |
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