Creating RP Or Open Read Only on PSB Fails With ORA-38784/38788_845013.1
In this Document
Applies to:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 10.2]Information in this document applies to any platform. Checked for relevance on 28-Sep-2012 ***Checked for relevance on 5-Aug-2014*** SymptomsCreating Restore point in Physical Standby fails with below errors
Open physical standby in Read-only fails with below errors
SQL> alter database open; Cause
Bug 6150680 Some of datafiles are in backup mode. SolutionA) Check whether the patch for below bug is applied first.
Bug 6150680
SQL> select * from v$backup where status = 'ACTIVE';
You can end backup those tablespace in primary and switch logfiles so that it get applied in standby. Then try to create restore point.
SQL> Alter Session Set Events 'immediate trace name file_hdrs level 10';
SQL> ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS 'immediate trace name controlf level 9';
@ File Number=6, Blksiz=8192, File Type=3 DATA
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