How to Start 11gR2 Grid Infrastrucure in Exclusive Mode (Doc ID 1364971.1)

How to Start 11gR2 Grid Infrastrucure in Exclusive Mode (Doc ID 1364971.1)

In this Document


Applies to: 

Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This note provides instructions to start Grid Infrastructure in exclusive mode as certain tasks requires clusterware to be in that mode.


To start GI in exclusive mode:

1. As root shutdown GI on all nodes:

$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stop crs -f

If above command fails, as root, disable GI ("crsctl disable crs"), reboot the node and enable GI ("crsctl enable crs").

2. As root start GI in exclusive mode on one node only:

$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl start crs -excl

For and above:

$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl start crs -excl -nocrs

If ocssd fails to come up, as root, issue the following command:

$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl start res ora.cssd -init -env "CSSD_MODE=-X"

If ocssd fails because release version is lower than active version, change the ownership of voting disk to root:root and retry the command:

2011-09-25 19:38:41.513: [    CSSD][1095739712]clssnmvDiskVerify: Successful discovery for disk /oradata/asm/disk203, UID 8961d230-f0ee4f32-bf4bd225-57ef2c02, Pending CIN 0:1316979104:0, Committed CIN 0:1316979104:0
2011-09-25 19:38:41.513: [    CSSD][1095739712]clssnmvDiskVerify: Successful discovery of 1 disks
2011-09-25 19:38:41.513: [    CSSD][1095739712]clssnmCompleteInitVFDiscovery: Completing initial voting file discovery
2011-09-25 19:38:41.513: [    CSSD][1095739712]clssnmCompleteVFDiscovery: Completing voting file discovery
2011-09-25 19:38:41.513: [    CSSD][1095739712]ASSERT clssnm1.c 2796
2011-09-25 19:38:41.513: [    CSSD][1095739712](:CSSNM00056:)clssnmCompleteVFDiscovery: Terminating because the release version( of this node is less than the active version( that the cluster is at
2011-09-25 19:38:41.513: [    CSSD][1095739712]###################################
2011-09-25 19:38:41.513: [    CSSD][1095739712]clssscExit: CSSD aborting from thread clssnmvDDiscThread

Note: in above example, /oradata/asm/disk203 is a voting disk

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