reading input to shell
echo "Please type a word!"
read word
echo "You just typed $word"
echo "Please type two words!"
read word1 word2
echo "You just typed $word1 $word2"
[jerry@localhost bin]$ ./
./ line 1: !/bin/bash: No such file or directory
Please type a word!
You just typed word
Please type two words!
word1 word2
You just typed word1 word2
echo "Please type a word!"
read word
echo "You just typed $word"
echo "Please type two words!"
read word1 word2
echo "You just typed $word1 $word2"
[jerry@localhost bin]$ ./
./ line 1: !/bin/bash: No such file or directory
Please type a word!
You just typed word
Please type two words!
word1 word2
You just typed word1 word2
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