【gg notes】config gg for windows x86 32bit ,single node
1, Prepare the install environment
OS: windows XP(x86-32-bit)
DB: Oracle11R2
GG: ggs_Windows_x86_ora11g_32bit
Network: single node test
2, Download GG for windows x86-32-bit-edition, just for test
This is the web link:
3, Extract file to your path
4, Alter database archivelog
Oracle GG need database running on archive mode
Need perform. these commands:
Shutdown immediate;
Startup mount;
Alter database archivelog;
Alter database open;
5, Create test user and tables
Create user ggs identified by ggs;
Create user ggt identified by ggt;
Grant dba to ggs;
Grant dba to ggt;
Conn ggs/ggs
Create table test(
Stu_id number(6),
Stu_name varchar2(20),
Stu_pass varchar2(20)
Conn ggt/ggt;
Create table test(
Stu_id number(6),
Stu_name varchar2(20),
Stu_pass varchar2(20)
6, Config golden gate
1) Create file path
Access path c:\gg
Execute ggsci.exe
In ggsci command,execute:
Create subdirs ---only for the first config operation
2) Modify params for manager process(mgr)
Edit param mgr
Port 7809 --set the manager running port
Can use command:
Start mgr
To start the mgr process
Can use command :
Info all
To see the status of mgr running
3) Add supplemental logging for table, both source and target
4) Add and edit params for extract progress
Add extract ext1,tranlog,begin now
Edit param ext1
Param Contents:
Userid ggs,password ggs
Rmthost mgrport 7809
Rmttrail C:\gg\dirdat\r1
Table ggs.test
Add remote list
Add rmttrail C:\gg\dirdat\r1,extract ext1,megabyte 100
5) Add and edit replicat process param
Add replicat rep1,exttrail C:\gg\dirdat\r1,modebcheckpoint
Edit param rep1
Rep1.prm contents:
Userid ggt,password ggt
Discardfile C:\gg\dirdatrep1.dsc,append
MAP ggs.*,TARGET ggt.*
6) Start progress
Start extract progress:
Start ext1
Start replicat progress
Start rep1
Check the progress running
Info all
7) Testing
Conn ggs/ggs
Insert into test select 1,’aa’,’pass1’ from dual;
Insert into test select 2,’bb’,’pass2’ from dual;
few seconds later:
conn ggt/ggt
select * from test;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/16179598/viewspace-758543/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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