EWM Business Partners BP SCM主資料傳輸CIF問題彙總
如果你傳輸的客戶和供應商的名稱是一樣的時候,請注意把City Street一定要維護一樣
Plausibility check for BP addresses when using CIF:
During transfer of a business partner (eg. customer) from ERP to SCM/EWM via CIF, error message: R1286 ''Business partner * already exists'' appear in the CIF inbound queue (SMQ2 transaction) and the BP update is failed.
- First thing to check is the "Street" and "City" fields of the address in the BP and XD03 transactions in ERP side and the BP transaction in SCM/EWM side. They need to be identical for the specified BP. Otherwise the plausibility check will sort out the BP and the update will be not allowed. 1354245 - Transferring the same busines partner into SCM
This consulting note describes the scenario when you have a business partner which is a customer and a vendor at the same time and you have an integrated SCM system into which you transfer (via Core Interface (CIF)) both the customer and the vendor with the option of creating Business Partner object in SCM.
In SCM, Business Partner names have to be unique.If you transfer an object via CIF which would create a Business Partner which is already exists then the system performs a check whether it is the same like the already existing business partner or a new one. This check is based on the city and street fields of the address. If these fields are identical and the source systems are the same, the system assumes that the business partner is the same object and just add a new identification type to it. Otherwise, the integration fails with the following error message: 'Business partner &1 already exists'. (R1/286)
business partner - means a partner
Business Partner - means the SAP object business partner, in transaction BP.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/17204926/viewspace-2130787/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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