每年一屆的 PyCon 大會今年在克利夫蘭舉行,大會其實在5月9號就已經開始,現在差不多接近尾聲,因為媒體宣傳少,國內圈子裡對這種會議的關注度程度也比較低,遠比不上 GoogleIO、蘋果開發者大會,畢竟這只是非盈利組織 Python 軟體基金會舉辦的,經費還得靠贊助商提供,所以,從營銷推廣層面來說,知道 PyCon 的人不多,媒體報導少也正常。但是,它依然是球最盛大也是最高階別的關於 Python 語言的會議了,全世界最牛的 Python 開發者都聚集在這裡。

這次大會有上百個分享主題,全部是 Python 相關主題,內容非常豐富,有關注Python語言內部原理的,比如介紹 Python 位元組碼,有最佳實踐分享,比如如何開發一個部署友好的應用,如和將程式碼從Python2遷移到Python3等等。
Kenneth Reitz 大神也做了一個分享,介紹他的 Pipenv 專案,未來將有可能整合到Python套件裡面的包管理工具。老面孔 Raymond Hettinger 帶來 Python3.7 中的一個新特性 Dataclasses 的介紹。另外,關於型別檢查和程式碼靜態分析的主題今年有好幾個,這說明一個現象,就是 Python 正在被越來越多的大型專案使用,因為動態語言的靈活性帶來的缺點就是多人團隊合作以及程式碼的維護成本正逐漸增加,所以像 Type Hint,Variables Anontation 這樣的特性都引入到了 Python3。Facebook 出的 pyre-check 和 Python 之父參與的 mypy 專案都是為了更好的將 Python 靜態型別系統引入到 Python 所提供的工具。
這次還發現有位華人妹紙的分享,叫 Jiaqi Liu,分享的主題是 Building a Data Pipeline with Testing in Mind,還記得去年有一個非常火主題就是 Instagram 分享關於 Python3 遷移的經驗,正因為有這些大廠帶來的經驗,開發者對 Python3 的接納程度已經非常高,如果是新專案,都會毫不猶豫選擇 Python3。
- Barry Warsaw - Get your resources faster, with importlib.resources - PyCon 2018 (28:42)
- Sunday Morning Lightning Talks + Keynote - PyCon 2018 (1:19:16)
- Daniel Pyrathon - A practical guide to Singular Value Decomposition in Python - PyCon 2018 (31:15)
- Mario Corchero - Effortless Logging: A deep dive into the logging module - PyCon 2018 (30:28)
- Pieter Hooimeijer - Types, Deeper Static Analysis, and you - PyCon 2018 (28:29)
- vigneshwer dhinakaran - Pumping up Python modules using Rust - PyCon 2018 (30:41)
- Carl Meyer - Type-checked Python in the real world - PyCon 2018 (32:10)
- Amber Brown ("HawkOwl") - How We Do Identity Wrong - PyCon 2018 (32:17)
- Alex Gaynor - Learning From Failure: Post Mortems - PyCon 2018 (29:24)
- Alvaro Leiva Geisse - Systemd: why you should care as a Python developer - PyCon 2018 (27:03)
- Ned Batchelder - Big-O: How Code Slows as Data Grows - PyCon 2018 (28:51)
- Greg Price - Clearer Code at Scale: Static Types at Zulip and Dropbox - PyCon 2018 (29:51)
- Claudio Freire - Efficient shared memory data structures - PyCon 2018 (27:16)
- Renato Oliveira - User focused API Design - PyCon 2018 (27:28)
- Steven Sklar - The Hare Wins the Race: Getting the most out of RabbitMQ in distributed applications (28:57)
- Zekun Li - There and Back Again: Disable and re-enable garbage collector at Instagram - PyCon 2018 (24:12)
- Kyle Knapp - Automating Code Quality - PyCon 2018 (29:45)
- PSF Community Service Awards - Catherine Devlin Keynote - Final Remarks - PyCon 2018 (59:01)
- Lightning Talks - Saturday Evening - PyCon 2018 (1:11:00)
- Trey Hunner - Python 2 to 3: How to Upgrade and What Features to Start Using - PyCon 2018 (25:59)
- Sara Packman - The Journey Over the Intermediate Gap - PyCon 2018 (27:09)
- Rae Knowler - Python, Locales and Writing Systems - PyCon 2018 (35:04)
- Matt Davis - Python Performance Investigation by Example - PyCon 2018 (30:36)
- Mariatta Wijaya - What is a Python Core Developer? - PyCon 2018 (36:13)
- Jason Fried - Fighting the Good Fight: Python 3 in your organization - PyCon 2018 (30:48)
- James Bennett - A Bit about Bytes: Understanding Python Bytecode - PyCon 2018 (29:45)
- Hynek Schlawack - How to Write Deployment-friendly Applications - PyCon 2018 (44:20)
- Graham Dumpleton - Secrets of a WSGI master. - PyCon 2018 (32:55)
- VM (Vicky) Brasseur - The human nature of failure & resiliency - PyCon 2018 (44:44)
- Paul Vincent Craven - Easy 2D Game Creation With Arcade - PyCon 2018 (29:48)
- Dmitry Filippov, Ewa Jodlowska - By the Numbers: Python Community Trends in 2017/2018 - PyCon 2018 (25:41)
- Kenneth Reitz - Pipenv: The Future of Python Dependency Management - PyCon 2018 (35:45)
- Christopher Fonnesbeck - Bayesian Non-parametric Models for Data Science using PyMC3 - PyCon 2018 (42:25)
- Scott Triglia - Surviving (and thriving!) when you are overloaded - PyCon 2018 (27:16)
- Russell Keith-Magee - Building a cross-platform native app with BeeWare - PyCon 2018 (30:50)
- Lilly Ryan - Don't Look Back in Anger: Wildman Whitehouse and the Great Failure of 1858 - PyCon 2018 (30:13)
- Raymond Hettinger - Dataclasses: The code generator to end all code generators - PyCon 2018 (45:08)
- Shannon Turner - You're an expert. Here's how to teach like one. - PyCon 2018 (28:08)
- Colin Carroll, Karin C. Knudson - Fighting Gerrymandering with PyMC3 - PyCon 2018 (30:03)
- Victor Stinner - Python 3: ten years later - PyCon 2018 (43:04)
- Justin Myles Holmes - Python across the USA: This is the Bus. - PyCon 2018 (24:57)
- Nicolle Cysneiros - Graph Databases: Talking about your Data Relationships with Python - PyCon 2018 (45:31)
- Nir Arad - Controlling apples with snakes: Automating mobile apps with Appium - PyCon 2018 (27:46)
- Miguel Grinberg - Oops! I Committed My Password To GitHub! - PyCon 2018 (29:44)
- Matthew Rocklin - Democratizing Distributed Computing with Dask and JupyterHub - PyCon 2018 (32:06)
- Larry Hastings - Solve Your Problem With Sloppy Python - PyCon 2018 (30:24)
- Janet Matsen - Programming microbes using Python - PyCon 2018 (24:56)
- Jack Diederich - HOWTO Write a Function - PyCon 2018 (41:31)
- Esther Nam - One weird trick to becoming a better software developer - PyCon 2018 (28:22)
- Erin Braswell - Python Data Sonification for Science and Discovery - PyCon 2018 (26:12)
- Dustin Ingram - Inside the Cheeseshop: How Python Packaging Works - PyCon 2018 (25:15)
- David Beazley - Reinventing the Parser Generator - PyCon 2018 (45:01)
- Christopher Swenson - Colossal Cave Adventure in Python... in the browser! - PyCon 2018 (41:42)
- Christopher Beacham / Lady Red - Visualizing Algorithms with Python and Programmable LEDs (30:18)
- Carol Willing - Practical Sphinx - PyCon 2018 (27:21)
- Anna Nicanorova - Data Visualization in Mixed Reality with Python - PyCon 2018 (18:45)
- Amjith Ramanujam - How Netflix does failovers in 7 minutes flat - PyCon 2018 (31:46)
- Amit Saha - Counter, Gauge, Upper 90 - Oh my! - PyCon 2018 (25:31)
- Valery Calderon - Reactive Programming with RxPy - PyCon 2018 (19:27)
- Stephanie Kim - Exploring Deep Learning Framework PyTorch - PyCon 2018 (43:02)
- Sam Kitajima-Kimbrel - Bowerbirds of Technology: Architecture and Teams at Less-than-Google Scale (29:59)
- Philip James, Asheesh Laroia - All in the timing: How side channel attacks work - PyCon 2018 (30:15)
- Padmaja Bhagwat - Listen, Attend, and Walk : Interpreting natural language navigational instructions (27:42)
- Nina Zakharenko - Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems - PyCon 2018 (32:58)
- Nathaniel J. Smith - Trio: Async concurrency for mere mortals - PyCon 2018 (32:00)
- Jiaqi Liu - Building a Data Pipeline with Testing in Mind - PyCon 2018 (20:16)
- Brian Okken, Paul Everitt - Visual Testing with PyCharm and pytest - PyCon 2018 (29:55)
- Allison Kaptur - Love your bugs - PyCon 2018 (33:18)
- Saturday Morning Lightning Talks + Keynotes - PyCon 2018 (1:26:20)
- Lightning Talks - Friday - PyCon 2018 (56:59)
- Amirali Sanatinia - Getting Started with Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies in Python - PyCon 2018 (3:18:06)
- Jake VanderPlas - Exploratory Data Visualization with Vega, Vega-Lite, and Altair - PyCon 2018 (3:19:02)
- Christy Heaton - Intro to Spatial Analysis and Maps with Python - PyCon 2018 (2:33:17)