

①string ax=string.Empty;     
注:不要使用: string ax="";  I don't konw why.But it's Microsoft's convention.
ax.Length==0   >  ax==string.Empty
    Info         : "To test for empty strings, check if String.Length is
                   equal to zero. Constructs such as "".Equals(someString)
                   and String.Empty.Equals(someString) are less efficient
                   than testing the string length. Replace these with
                   checks for someString.Length == 0."

catch the specific exception than "System.Exception" or rethrow the exception.
Catching generic exception types can hide run-time problems from the library user,
and can complicate debugging.

③比較字串時不要用.ToLower()   /   .ToUpper()
replace by Equals()     
Don't create a string never used later.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/12639172/viewspace-541538/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
